I caught a case of the Dino’s (Amphidinium)

wantsummora acropora

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I have these Dino’s starting to take off. I’m reading mixed results and conflicting info as relating to treating the problem with Dino X. Anyone have experience with this particular Dino? Did anyone treat with Dino X and have cheatomorpha? My nutrients bottomed out and they showed up. My numbers right now are dKH= 8.3, NO3= 4, and PO4= 0.08. Any help appreciated.
Dino x is really risky with corals. It’s been known to kill a lot of Sps and euphyllia. Do you have a UV? Having a UV directly plumbed to the display tank works well.
I do have a UV but Amphidinium pretty much stays in the sand bed. My next option was to remove all the sand from the affected area and replace it with live sand and start dosing bacteria. I’d be removing about 1/4 to 1/3 of the sand. Is this a viable plan?
Yeah, i broke out the microscope for an I.D. Plus I’ve been running my UV, stopped doing water changes, vacuumed the sand bed once and they just come raging back. I’ll read your article.
I used the attached guide to treat my ostreopsis dinos, and it worked great. I can't attest for its amphidinium directions, but it seems to be tried-and-true guidance.

You're sure it's amphidinium?
I was going to offer the same file from Macks, I too have it saved locally 🤣

I'm seeing people reporting success using a "UV Sand Bed Sweeper": https://3dreefing.com/products/sand-bed-uv-sweeper

Might not be too hard to engineer your own if you've already got a bulb, depending on the type. Otherwise, these above aren't as shockingly expensive as they could be. The makers do also recommend using a microbial additive like this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000YQ2K9O