I need a sump!


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Hey guys,

I am in need of a sump for a 30 gallon tank. I would be interested in one someone who already has about a 10 gallon size sump that would work. Or I am interested in someone talented enough to build me one for a fair price. I have a picture of what I want. Thanks. let me know if you would like to build me one or if you have something similar to this.

It needs to fit under a 30 gallon stand. I have a ten gallon tank that someone could use to build it in. I just don't have the patience nor skill to do so myself.
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14232=936-Filters october 10 2006.JPG_Thumbnail1.jpg
class="gc-images" title="Filters october 10 2006.JPG_Thumbnail1.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:300px" /></a>
14232=937-New Sump.JPG_Thumbnail1.jpg
14232=937-New Sump.JPG_Thumbnail1.jpg
class="gc-images" title="New Sump.JPG_Thumbnail1.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>
Thank's! I Just decided to scrap the whole sump idea and i'm going to purchase a HOB Refugium from Tony.