I Seriously Underestimated the Creepiness of a Clown

gaguy68;279737 wrote: my perc was so bad, i took him out and sent him back to the LFS for something tamer !

Seedless Reefer would have loved that clownfish! He likes to feed his fingertips to tiger oscars at the LFS.
Must be some kind of strong bond between us and our clownfish! They get vicious, destroy things, kill some of our favorite tank creatures, rearrange to their liking and bite us (some of us) and we still love them and take care of them and protect them from harm. Very seldom do we part with them! :yes:
I got a *very sweet* pair of ocellaris clowns from a fellow member. These mild-mannered cuties had to find a safe home because they were being beaten up by his maroon clownfish pair.

Such adorable, timid li'l darlins!

(Then..... I bought them a RBTA)
Hello all....Funny topic.
My Clown fish has grown up huge over the two years I have been reefen. He or she destroys what ever it thinks is "to close" to the two GBT. The bitting has got to stop but it never will. It's more like a piranah than a Clown. Nasty little thing. It is like have a pit bull in the back yard. You know the part where all the grass is dead and the bowl and toys are more than dead. That is the left side of my 72 Gal.
Sounds like "typical" yellow stripe marron behavior- pairs of these like to destroy everything- I dont care for them in a reef tank. I prefer the ocellaris.
Blake's female clown hates me. If I put my hand in she goes nuts. Usually she attachs my gold ring and my skin is spared, but occasionally she actually gets the hand. It hurt big time. She doesn't seem to mind Blake if he moves slowly
35delivery;280175 wrote: Holy doo-doo batman! I had no clue that they were mean little buggers like that!:confused2: So will 2 males kill eachother or is there such a thing as a mild mannered female clown????

Two males will eventually become one male and one female.

Also .. remember that clownfish are members of the damselfish family ... damsels are know to be somewhat ..... *aggressive* (to put it mildly).
well, to date I still haven't been attacked by sata......i mean clown fish.. I love the male, he is cool, doesnt mess with the tank.. but the female must have an OCD problem because she is sweeping the tank constantly until she gets it just the was she wants it.. then I even out the sand and she starts again.. should I tell her that she is probably never going to clean up the 80lbs of sand?? atleast she doesnt dig all the way to bare bottom

Im sure now that I've said this, she will start biting in the next few days.. although right now she is still terrified of my hand, which is weird because she is a solid 3 1/2 or 4 inches long.. shes quite the behemoth