I think my clown is sick

Was this an established/mated pair of clowns or did you have 2 that had been in the same tank for just a short period?

If you rearranged the 'scaping, is it possible you had 2 same-sex clowns that had managed a truce and were now fighting with the result being one got killed and the other got herself damaged in the process? Did you ever see them fighting?
the colors still look good on the one that is alive, and when I first got them the bigger one would chase the smaller one around but that seemed to stop after the first day. they where 2 that i got from a LFS and they where not mated
I think were stretching the possibilities now :)

Maybe they drank too much Tequila at the fishy bar and got in a fight over a woman? Knives were pulled and and one thing lead to another.Just a thought.

Either way that sucks man. Its odd because clown fish are normally so Hardy.Sand bed's look great but can be very harmfull to the inhabitants if mishandled.I learned that the hard way before as well.
46bfinga;99409 wrote: I think were stretching the possibilities now :)

Maybe they drank too much Tequila at the fishy bar and got in a fight over a woman? Knives were pulled and and one thing lead to another.Just a thought.

Either way that sucks man. Its odd because clown fish are normally so Hardy.Sand bed's look great but can be very harmfull to the inhabitants if mishandled.I learned that the hard way before as well.

I didn't think one fish killing another is a stretch at all. This was not a mated pair and aggression was observed right at the get-go. Isn't it possible the smaller one established a secure hiding place that it could duck into when chased and lost that haven when the LR was rearranged? I've heard more than one story of a clown killing a potential mate. I myself have a b*tchy clarkii who is a known murderess.
Linda Lee;99410 wrote: I didn't think one fish killing another is a stretch at all. This was not a mated pair and aggression was observed right at the get-go. Isn't it possible the smaller one established a secure hiding place that it could duck into when chased and lost that haven when the LR was rearranged? I've heard more than one story of a clown killing a potential mate. I myself have a b*tchy clarkii who is a known murderess.

That why I used a Smiley face. Was obviously a poor attempt at humor . Its Sunday be happy :).:fish:
46bfinga;99416 wrote: That why I used a Smiley face. Was obviously a poor attempt at humor . Its Sunday be happy :).:fish:

sorry, looked like you were poo-pooing the theory (and it may <u>be</u> a poo-poo theory, who knows?)

... maybe I need a shot of that tequila at the fishy bar.

here are some pic if they will help

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around his mouth looks likesome kind of fungus not ich but i cant tell you for sure the pick looks like it might be a little blurry to be sure
It's looks like stress. The clown is malnourished and a little beaten up. Linda might have been on to something with the fighting. The indention on the ventral surface in the second picture is indicative of possible poor nutrition. I don't see any disease. There are definitly some nicked fins.

Victor - the stuff around the mouth is just the skin that folds under when the mouth is closed. I still just try a little food daily, just enough to see if he'll eat(if he does, give him more), give him a few days rest, watch your NH3 and NO2, and keep us updated. Pics help a lot.
I was feeding frozen brine shrimp, which the LFS said was "ok" but would not give enough nutrition, so i got some pellet food and started that but it has not eaten any of it yet so we will see, I am starting to notice that its mouth is moving not closing yet but moving some.
If it's not eating pellets try some enriched brine shrimp. Most of the major brands offer spirulina enriched and San Fran Bay also has Omega-3 fatty acid enriched. Eating brine is better than not eating.
well the last clown did not make it, so i will do a big water change i think and check the water then start again maybe with some yellow tail blue damsals, they are cheaper at the LFS i go to.
thanks victor, I just hope i can find out where i went wrong, If i just did not wait long enough to add fish or if it was moving the rock around. I guess I will never know for sure what it was but luckily I like the way my rock looks now and dont plan on adding more and I will watch all the levels and make sure they are stable before i add the next thing. the funny thing is my clean up crew seems to be doing fine but i guess they can handle changes a little better. Live and learn i guess
yeah i would let the tank just do its thing for a while dont add anyfosh to the tank for a while and if you get any other fish qt them for about 3 weeks all you need is a 10 gal tank heater thermometer and a hang on filter and just watch them you dont want to add anything in your tank that can cause something like this to happen again .i think your fish just died of stress from getting shipped to the lfs ,lfs to your house and then you reaquascaping just did it for them .remember everything nice and slow in this hobby youll avoid alot of problems in the end
Note of caution:</em> once you put the damsels in there, you'll have a difficult time getting them out later without taking apart your new aquascaping. Make sure you want those fish. Some reefers have nothing but bad things to say about the fiesty little yellow-tail since they can be territorial and harass later additions to your tank, but I love mine. Mine were the first occupants of my tank and get along great with their tank mates (6line wrasse, bi-colored blenny, flame hawkfish and 2 clarkii clownfish).

Another inexpensive alternative to yellow-tail damsels would be the http://animal-world.com/encyclo/marine/damsels/green.php">blue-green chromis</a>.

[IMG]http://animal-world.com/encyclo/marine/damsels/images/viridis.jpg alt="" />

Sorry about the loss of your clowns. Good luck with restablishing your reef. You might want to check params often and keep a logbook of your readings.
Well all my test have been good ammonia is back down to 0 nitrate and nitrite are also a 0 and ph is about 8.3 So some time soon i think i am going to pick up a couple chromis (thanks Linda)