I think my tank is slowly crashing.

Thanks! An my 2 chromis that disappeared about 4 days ago showed up this morning. Where the hell have they been?

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No problem at all... we've all been there before. I almost adjusted my water the same way once. I had it tested and the LFS told me it was 1.029. I had just tested it with my own refractometer and I was getting 1.024. I assumed it was my meter but rather than adjust I had Jenn test it and my meter was.correct. So that being said it would be wise to also get some calibration fluid as some places calibrate with RO water and this will cause a high salinity reading.

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Yeah that's the plan. Mine showed up today and didn't include the solution. The instructions say to calibrate it to 0 using tap water which I did since it's all I have. I think I'll order a bottle of it from BRS.

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