Ich Identified! Fish Quarantined

I don't know what GAI does, but they are bound by different constraints that I am.... Imagine a UV size they need to have for a million gallon tank? or the strain on the Atlanta sewer on a 20% waterchange a week....
In any case, ich doesn't kill fish, the suffocation and bacterial infection that follows is what kills fish (don't ask me for proof's scientific publishing etc.... etc.., I amnot int he mood). In fact it might be prudent to suggest antibacterial treatment for ich infestation more than ich treatment.
It is a numbers game, Keep the numbers down, you keep the fish alive and healthy. That's why I am not interested in erradicating but containing, My golden rule ;).

Here are a couple of my ich survivors....

The purple is going on 3 years, probably the cheapest purple ever sold, bought it with Lateral line errosion streatching from mouth to tail on both sides, the scars are still there on one side.... and had more ich than I have seen in any fish, my wife thought it was an interesting pattern, white on purple.... well for 15 bucks, I was content to take him off the petstore tanks.... I am happy I did..