Ich... not a happy camper


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So a few days ago I noticed an ich problem. I had my purple pseudo that had a few spots. So I went to researching the best way to treat a reef for ich. Well the next morning every single fish was covered. So I completely tore down my display, pita btw, then I caught all the fish which included, 1 saddle back clown, 2 oscellaris clowns, 1 coral beauty, 4 green chromis, 1 purple pseudo, 1 watchman goby, and a fire dartfish. I lost my bicolor blenny, lawnmower blenny, and 1 green chromis to the ich. I moved them to a 60 gallon qt tank to be treated with copper. They have been in there since Friday morning and so far there is less ich on them everyday. And they have not be scratching any since being moved. I left all my inverts and corals in the DT. They are all doing great still. In fact my peppermint shrimp stay out in view all the time now. They nems stay out as well. All except my bubble tip. I'm still baffled on that one.... but anyways. Is there anything else I can do? I'm looking I to uv sterilizers but aside from that I'm terrified to even get a tang now because I don't want to have to do this all the time....

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Nothing commercially sold works consisrent enough, however copper ie " cupramine " and with some success a couple other methods ie, formalin, tank transfer and low salinity levels. Treat ALL susesple fish fish for 30 days (or observe) and observe while leavening tank without fish for 9 weeks. Then treat all new fish to be added in qt for at least 30 days. Wrasses should get prazi-pro (and depending metro-focus).

It hasn't always been the case, but I set up a QT tank in advance when I know I'm looking for fish. Before that I bought from suppliers like DD (and a local fish store here and there) that took almost all the necessary steps for me.

However, a QT tank also insures your fish are eating healthy before they go in display tank. I'm sold on that.
That's pretty much what I'm doing because I think I know where it came from. However I also know that it is present in all saltwater environments it only becomes noticeable when a stressed fish isn't able to fight it off. So I have to reset and figure out where I went wrong with keeping everyone happy. Unless I just messed something up somewhere and boom there it is.

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kstyle13;947669 wrote: However I also know that it is present in all saltwater environments

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so false buddy! no science, only rumours...whoever told you that, doesn't know this parasite. period.
OMG Kourtney,
So your treating your fish in QT and then your tank gets covered in flatworms? I bet you are sold on QT on every purchase here forward. Sorry, your getting your experience so quick!
You got both those problems from Noah's....

I've seen that place a few times while I worked down there and have friends who shopped there and had the exact same issues.
Qt and treat everything or you will continue to battle this stuff. Leave your dt fish less for a minimum 6 weeks to treat it. Don't overdose on copper. Make sure you have a copper test kit to test your levels
Yea it sucks. Lol but lesson learned. I have not seen any of my copepods since the flatworms showed up... I'm wondering if they ate them.... or if they just went into hiding. There isn't any flatworms on my corals so for now I am just going to siphon out as many as I can. Until I get paid there's not much in the way of treatment I can do. Unless I tore down my tank and did a freshwater dip. But I've never done that before and I'm quite nervous about attempting it....

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