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I bought a fish the other day at a store, no, not a sponsor (stupid I know), but it was sold to me as a striped dottyback.... can someone confirm this or tell me what it is actually.

He's very active and eats well also.


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If you can't see him, look in the center of the photo :D
Loren, find me some info, I can't find it on and

He seems very calm in temperament.... doesn't bother anyone else for now. he wasn't that dark when i got, actually lighter so he must be happy now i guess
Yep but I think yours is cuter."></a>
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Yup, hope that is him.

I like when he comes and stares at me and goes in and out of a huge opening under the shelf I have. I am thinking of getting more rock to fill out some open places giving him more room to swim through stuff and my other wrasses and he watches the food and stares at it as it floats by him... then I guess he decides its what he wants and eats it just fine. then waits for the next one... all my other inhabitants don't eve notice him, though I still can't find my yellow coris wrasse, i am starting to fear the worse... se other thread.
Here's a good link for information on Dottybacks (Pseudochromis).">
</a>It looks like yours is safe, but as with anything, you never can be perfectly sure.

I had a [B]Neon Dottyback[/B] - [I]Pseudochromis aldabraensis. </em>That guy was a punk! I don't remember how I caught him, but I remember it being quite a pain. It killed at least one shrimp that was bigger than him, and did something else that ticked me off. I can't remember what that was now, but I would stay away from them in a reef tank.

- Brad
Thanks brad, that is what it is. I'll keep an eye on him, but he looks like his temper won't be so bad, plus, I can always set up another tank for him :D

Jess I got it from Petco, I was just splurge buying again :D i knew better but i did, i was bad.... got two cleaner shrimp for $30 though