ID of small snail


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Hey everyone. Earlier today, I noticed a small white speck, about 1 cm wide, on the sponge of my pre-filter. Upon closer inspection, I realized that it was a tiny snail with a white, spiral shaped shell.

Could this be a baby turbo or astrea snail? Or could it be one of those harmful hitchiker snails?

If I had a camera, I would post a picture, but I do not. I will try to borrow one, but for now, any advice would be good.
It sounds like either a tiny nerite snail (good) or possibly a pyramidellid (not good) - but the latter usually lives on a mollusk as a host for its parasitic needs. When you say spiral shaped, so you mean in the shape of a cone or more circular?
I agree with Kayla. Is it rounded or pointed? The pointed are usually pyramellids which typically poarasitize mollusks (clams, snails, etc). The rounded ones are likely harmless detritavores. Any pics?
This little guy doesn't look like either of the specimens in Big D's pictures. The shell looks like a turbo shell, only a fraction of the size and all-white. I'll try to get a picture today if I can find him again!
Here are some pics I foudn onine that resemble the shape of the shell, mine is all-white however, and does not have the same coloration as these shells. Maybe a juvenile trait? Who knows...
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Yep, it's a mini nerite (sometimes called mini turbo) snail - a good guy. They tend to come in as hitchhikers, and since you have one now, you'll probably have a lot within a few months, as they also tend to multiply readily in home aquaria.

I hope this helps!

Hey Kayla, shouldn't you be in school at 9:40 AM? Although I'm no better because I'm writing this post in the middle of psychology class...

Oh school...
thanks for posting this I recently spotted snails that look like this in my tank and they reproduce rapidly but I think they die quickly as well. Glad to know they are harmless.
yeah I have those guys ALL OVER my reef tank, they come out more at night....cute lil guys :)
zman676 wrote: Sweet!

Hey Kayla, shouldn't you be in school at 9:40 AM? Although I'm no better because I'm writing this post in the middle of psychology class...

Oh school...
Haha well... being a second semester senior has its, um, privileges. I'm in 3rd period ("crafts & design") @ 9:40 AM. Slack classes are fabulous.