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hey i have this leather coral that i dont know what it is. It grows crazy and it kind of looks like a kenya tree but it isnt. so far no one has been able to idendify it. I am bringing some to the frag meeting because it is so anoying. but i like it because it helps pay for the hobby. thanks guys. it even grew all over my heater wire!!! and on the heater itself.:huh:

let me know if anyone has any zoanthids or acro or anything else cool that they want to trade. ill also be bringing a bunch of mushrooms.
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11313=818-leather coral in 20 gallon september 20 2006.JPG_Thumbnail1.jpg
class="gc-images" title="leather coral in 20 gallon september 20 2006.JPG_Thumbnail1.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>
looks like it might be some sort of tree coral aka Finger Leather, Branch, or Cauliflower Corals. Or a type of nepethea, those are all pretty much the same things tho. Def a neat looking softie.