Im Going To Jail


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okay i need some help. the NOW ex got mad this morning (some woman thing wasn't paying attention) and she poured cereal in my tank. before i go to jail for hurting her, will my tank be okay????????
I assuming you fished it all out, right? If so, you've still got a bunch of sugar in your tank.

I think it'll be okay, but I'd do a large water change to be on the safe side.

So you broke up w/ her? I hope so! How crazy is that?!? Noone needs that kind of drama!
That's a pretty immature way of taking out your frustrations. Ask her if next time she'd rather execute a puppy or a kitten or some other defensless animals. Dont stoop to her level and make it physical. I would just tell her to go and send a friend to pick up her belongings.

+1 on Bryan, Fish it all out and do a water change.
Ya, do a LARGE volume water change... The sugar will cause a huge algae bloom. You might want to consider adding a large bag of carbon to the tank.
Wait a minute, all this talk about sugar... what kind of cereal was it? If it was wheaties... maybe you should leave it? :)
Wait a minute, all this talk about sugar... what kind of cereal was it? If it was wheaties... maybe you should leave it?

it was cookie crisp (AND A BRAND NEW BOX)

i didn't find out till i left the house and she called and said

"Maybe you will listen now that i have poured cereal in your tank"

so i am having the locksmith over there at 9:30 to change the locks and i will go home at lunch and see.
Why pay a locksmith? New locks have to be cheaper than a LS I would imagine... As for the cereal, I have killed people for less!

Good riddence to bad rubbish
So is the cereal gonna sit in your tank til you get home or did I miss something? That can't be good!
Platyplakia;167581 wrote: So is the cereal gonna sit in your tank til you get home or did I miss something? That can't be good!

i am going home at about 10 or 10:30
Ok. Best of luck to ya. I hope there isn't too much damage! Maybe she was just kidding and doing this just to scare you. Or maybe I'm just being too optimistic? Either way, I hope it works out. Keep us posted.
Barbara;167587 wrote: And I agree with Jamie; maybe she's just saying that. Have y'all been fighting over how much time/money you spend on the fish tank lately? If so, then she probably wasn't just saying it, but if the fish tank hasn't been the object of your affection and therefore the object of her aggression lately, then it might be safe." alt="" />

im all confused barb. she has never said anything about the tank. she wanted to talk last night about her trip to tampa this week and i was like i told you to get the tickets 2 MONTHS ago when they were cheap and she didn't and now they want like $600 one way. and i was like you are on your own since you were smarter than me last time and she kept talking about it and i went to sleep
LOL. It would be akin to dosing sugar... a heck of a lot of sugar.

The danger of dosing too much sugar is that the resultant bacteria bloom may burn through all your tank's oxygen. Your skimmer should remove the bacteria but if it is unable to do so fully you will then have algae. The oxygen deprivation though is the dangerous aspect... it could very well cause somethings to die and a cycle to occur. Not good.

It just can't be a good thing though... good luck man.
The more I think about this, the crazier it seems to me!

Please keep us updated on the condition of your tank.
Sorry to hear that!! Did you get to make it home yet to inspect the damage?

Definatly a little bit of a screw loose for this one-
bonniesherrie;167672 wrote: Look at it this way! She may have saved you a lifetime of misery.
+1. Every time my parents start in about me not being married, I just start listing my X-es.

Then again, there's the expression "The only thing in common with all your old relationships is you."
dawgdude;167684 wrote: IF she did and it causes any damage. Call the police and file charges for destruction of property. Im sure even a halfway good lawyer could argue that she had malice intent and could be held financially responsible. Haha get some sweet new fish on your ex's tab! Now she can put that $600 for her ticket toward your new fish.
Thats what I was thinking. I actually know of two instances where people went to jail for cruelty to animals for shooting someones dog. Whats the difference? Oh and by the way in one of those cases the dog owner beat the crap out of the guy that did it and when the cops got there they arrested the guy that shot the dog.