I'm new...a few questions


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Hey guys, I have just discovered this site. I have not joined yet, though I am planning on it ASAP. These last few days I have been addicted to reading all the great information on here. I just wanted to throw out my current setup and see if any of you had any suggestions for improvements. I have just started into corals and want to make sure I have everything set up correctly before going any further.

I have a standard 55g with two HOB bio-wheel type filters (I think one is a Penguin 330 and the other is an Emperor 400), SeaClone 150 skimmer, Koralia 1 and Koralia 2 powerheads, lighting is two 175w 10K XM MH bulbs. I try to do 5 gallon water changes every week to week and a half, I use distilled water now but will purchase my own RO/DI unit hopefully in the next few months.

Right now I am mainly keeping zoas and mushrooms and everything seems to be growing nicely. I would like to try a frogspawn and torch and maybe a kenya tree or carnation in the near future. Is my current setup enough for those or do I need to add or adjust anything. :confused2:
You'll be fine! You've got some good lights. The flow might be a little low, I've got a Koralia 3 on one side and a seio 820 on the other in my 55. I had a Korelia 1 but it wasn't enough flow.

Welcome to the club!
First of all we do not allow Tennessee fans on this website!!!

Just Kidding man.... welcome!!

You seem to be headed in the right direction. You will probably eventually want to udgrade your filtration to a sump or refugium. Your lighting will allow you to keep just about any corals you want. Those corals that you are planning on adding are a great choice for beginners. How much live rock do you have? Live rock acts as natural filtration. Flow seems to be good as well. Good work so far.
Thanks, I was kind of thinking that too. 400gph sounded a lot stronger than it actually turned out to be, I just put them on Monday. I may move the 1 to my water change bucket and get a 3 to replace it. I have a six-line wrasse that has been playing in it constantly, doubt he could do that in a 3 though, lol.

Hi.. Welcome to the boards..lighting seems to be pretty decent.. If it was me I would swap out the Koralia 1 with a 3 or 4.. And look into getting a different skimmer.. JMO though
I knew the UGA comments were coming, I was prepared. All I can say is my Dad was a huge UGA fan and my Mom was a University of Alabama fan so I picked a team when I was little that I could mess with them both about. I guess it just stuck. I will say how thrilled I was of the Hawaii stomping. They were wayyy overrated in my opinion.

I'm not sure of the actual poundage. I have been doing saltwater for about three years now, it just has always been fish only. I tend to pick up rock whenever I see a neat piece. My guess is it is easily 75+ pounds. Is there a good place to learn more about sumps? I would love to upgrade to one but just really don't understand exactly how to do it.
Welcome Michelle. :)

Get that Ro/di, it will make up for the cost in no time. Distilled water is expensive in comparison and can sometimes have trace amounts of copper which is bad.

I think a kenya tree is fine, they're tough and are great starter corals for that reason. As for the carnation... I would urge you to not try them yet. They are difficult to keep alive unless you're willing to hand feed it a few times a day or unless your tank is specialized for non-photosynthetic corals.
How about anemones? Would that be enough light for say a bubble tip or a sebae? My lights just came on too, once everything opens I'll try to post some pics. I would love any suggestions on rockwork or coral palcement. Thanks.
your lights just came on? what is your light cycle? You probably want to run your lights 12 hrs a day. You can keep a bubble tip with those lights. They do need almost perfect water parameters though. They are tough to keep.

This guy have lots of good stuff. I learn most of my reeffing from there.
I keep them on for 8 hours now. They come on at 2:45 and go off at 10:45. I can increase the time period no problem. I had pcs before I got this setup so I have been slowly increasing the time so I didn't blind my fishes. :roll:
yes you can keep an anemone with those lights. I run 175's and have keep several types of anemones and all kinds of corals. Anemonies can be tricky but i think they are easier than led on to believe. Just one suggestion, cover your inlets to your powerheads, anemones for some strange reason like to wonder around tanks and find themselfs to powerheads. you might also want to make a seperate island for the anemone, that way it might stay there instead of walking around your tank....they will kill anything it touches. An 8 hr light cycle is fine, you could go longer, but thats up to you. Cant wait to see some pics.
Like was said earlier. You will want to upgrade your filtration from the HOB to a sump/fug sooner then later. If you are going to keep the HOB, IMHO, ditch the wheels in them (keep the HOB filter and the pads)... Back in the old days (ask dough he remembers those days) we used to use bio-wheels because they were the only thing around 10 years ago. Now, a skimmer and lots of live rock will work much better for you.

You are not going to really want to be using distilled water for a number of months. Better choice would be to go to a LFS and get RO water if you do not have your own RO unit.

That carnation coral should NOT be on your list of corals to try. Yes they are really cool but not an easy coral even for an advanced set-up. Save the money and invest it into other zoas or maybe a toadstool or a nice LPS coral.

Your lighting is fine. That bulb is the same I have, it will grow just about anything but is a bit yellow for most people. You might consider adding a T5 bulb or two in the future to blue it up a bit.

Just my advice.
WOLFIE;117372 wrote: http://www.melevsreef.com/allmysumps.html">http://www.melevsreef.com/allmysumps.html</a>

This guy have lots of good stuff. I learn most of my reeffing from there.[/QUOTE]

I believe this guy is going to be a speaker at one of our upcoming meetings. Definitely a meeting ya'll don't wanna miss!!
Linda Lee;117582 wrote: I believe this guy is going to be a speaker at one of our upcoming meetings. Definitely a meeting ya'll don't wanna miss!!

He sure is... Marc will be speaking to the club at the March meeting!
I checked out his site and it was very informative. I think I'll hold off on any more corals until I can get a sump put in. I've been wanting to do it for a while, just had no idea how. As far as getting anothe protein skimmer, are there any brands that are recommended? SeaClone is jsut the only one I've ever seen around here, I think I got it at PetSmart.
For a 55 gal... You could go with a Turboflotor skimmer for a good price. Look around used on the site, there are good skimmers left and right. My $50 experiments and mod of a skimmer is working out great for my 55 Gal but I am not sureyou want to go with a cheap do it yourself route. Just remembrer skimmer companies lie, lie, lie... If they say the skimmer is rated for 75 gallons, cut that number in ATLEAST half. So look for a skimmer that will work on a 150 to 200 gal tank.
yeah, I'm not very handy with those things at all. Fortunately, my all-suffering fiance is. He just built my canopy and set up all my lighting, i just told him about the sump so he is going to get started on building that for me, bless his heart. I'll start looking for a Turbofloater ASAP.:roll:
Like I said, there are a few different ways you can go on a skimmer. I was using a turboflotor 1000 multi on my 55 and it was a great skimmer. I recently started testing a CHEAP skimmer that is working great with a bit of a modification. It seems to be the skimmer for people on a budget but I have only been running it for two months so it is hard to make a recommendation for it.

Like I said though, look at the forsale threads on the boards. You can usually find a very good skimmer for about 1/2 the price then if you bought it new.

Take a look at a skimmer here:

Or start your own thread here: [IMG]http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=77">http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=77</a> and tell everyone what you are looking for.

MOST people here are very honest and will sell you what you need and be very honest with you about if it will work for you and what condition it is in. Hope that helps!
Linda Lee;117582 wrote: I believe this guy is going to be a speaker at one of our upcoming meetings. Definitely a meeting ya'll don't wanna miss!!

Xyzpdq0121;117594 wrote: He sure is... Marc will be speaking to the club at the March meeting!

WOW. I know I be there forsure.