Insurance Question

The logic in insurance is that it's the for sudden and accidental losses. Things that happen over time are maintenance. For instance salt creep has caused damage to your home, it's NOT covered because it's not sudden or accidental (should have cleaned it up). But someone bangs into the tank and it breaks causing water damage, the water damage should be covered. Please remember that the adjuster will make the determination. I'm only trying to simplify how insurance works and I make no guarantee that insurance will or won't pay.

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I live in an apartment, and this thread prompted me to reach out to my State Farm agent who holds my renters insurance...

This was his response: "Unfortunately, we do not offer such a rider. As a result, it the tank were to leak, the damage caused would not be covered by the policy, as a salt water tank is not considered a part of the plumbing or regular water pipes."

Should I be looking to switch or would this not be a thing covered by any type of renters insurance?

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Heard from my guy again today. If something were to happen to my tank, the damage done to the apartment would be covered under liability. However, my personal property would not be. That's somewhat comforting to know.