I knew it was for a coral but I never heard that about an anemone, thats interesting. ThanksShowtime305 wrote: "Bleached" or "Bleaching" are terms used to describe the white/transparent look of a coral or anemone when they are stressed.
kj_yoda wrote: The worst anemone you can buy in a LFS is a white/bleached one. This is because of the lack of zoxanthellae in the tissue. I have never heard of a bleached anemone unless they actually bleach it themselves.
Maroons15 wrote: yeah dude i would get another jet ski go with yamaha tho. i have had yamaha since i was little like 9 years or something but we recently sold my 10 year old yamaha 760 and got a 2006 fx high output OMG its a ferrari compared to a honda civic!!! go with yamaha
Maroons15 wrote: i live right on lanier like it is my back yard so its pretty sweet. My fx high output has got 160 horses also and it will do about 65 but thats with the wind in y favor and not much gas. Its really nice ill post a pic. its only got lyk 23 hours on it
jessezm wrote: anemones have zooxanthelae just like corals, and as such, can bleach just the same as I understand it. I have heard of bleached anemones. If they expelled all their zooxanthelae, they will need to be fed plenty of meaty foods, every day, preferably soaked in Selcon, until they begin to color up again (recolonize with zooxanthelae). This is becuase they won't be able to get any food through photosynthesis, since they lack the photosynthetic algae to feed from.