Janelle's 60 Cube


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I thought I'd start a thread for my 60 gallon cube. It's been an interesting few weeks getting this set up and I'm not quite there yet.

Here's my setup -

60 gallon cube (drilled for sump)
Tunze Powerhead - 6095 with wavecontroller - nice and kind of overkill
Orbit 24" Marine LED - loving this light - may get a second
Aqualine Skimmer Sump with sock
Coralife 75G skimmer
Eheim heaters (150 and 200) - in tank until I can get the sump pumping up to the tank
Pump - hope to find one soon
30lbs? of live rock with Kenya Tree and Green Star Polyp
2 20lb bags of live sand (black)

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I had been doing research for some time about setting up a saltwater/reef tank. I reserved a 40 gallon from a local store and then I found ARC. It's not that I don't want to support local (I ended up spending double my deposit at that store) but everyone recommends to "buy up" so when I saw a 60 cube with stand listed, I jumped on it. I also bought a lot (too much) live rock and then found I didn't need it because my eventual tank already had a nice stack.

The tank was full of water the day I got it. We drained it, cut it away from the awesomely plumbed multi-tank set up, put some of the rock in a bucket and some stayed in the tank with some of the water. I drove home with it, got it in the house and set it back up. The Kenya Tree and Star Polyp didn't seem any worse for the wear. It even came with a good little Nassarius snail who's been cleaning all along.

I bought a sump and pump from a fellow member and quickly realized the sump was too big for the stand (of course, I'm a fool - I could have turned it sideways out the back). Anyway, sold that sump to another member and ordered a nice-looking sump from eBay. Sump got here - pump is way too wide for the third chamber, where I assume the pump needs to go.

In the meantime the tank's been cycling, a few ammonia spikes and a day or two of high nitrates but parameters leveled out over the last few days. I've had the powerhead running and the thermometers in the tank. Have had the lights running on a 12 hour schedule. Got lots of algae and so went to Shac's today and bought a few snails and hermits. They're all going to town and since the previous snail has been fine, I figured it should be ok now.

So will wait a few more weeks for first fish or any other corals. I've seen more of the northern Atlanta suburbs than I knew existed driving around buying used equipment from members when I can. Don't even want to total up my purchases - no use, it's already done. Sigh.

Loving watching the corals I do have now and the CUC is entertaining.
By the way, noticed this creature today - can anyone id? Looks like a mushroom of some sort.

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I can hardly believe that I finally found a pump and have the sump flowing nicely -

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I had just started up the skimmer. Humming along nicely.
Good thing you got a pic of that clean sump. It will probably never be that clean again!

Any special reason you put sand in the sump? Sand makes it so much more difficult to keep nitrates and phosphates low. I would remove the sand and put that extra rock you have in your sump. It would benefit you tenfold!

+1 on the mushroom.
Hmmm - must just be the grainy, low light pic. Zero sand in the sump and my sand is black. As you say, the sump is nice and clean now. Looking forward to getting some age on it!

Camellia;1038312 wrote: Nice!
Good thing you got a pic of that clean sump. It will probably never be that clean again!

Any special reason you put sand in the sump? Sand makes it so much more difficult to keep nitrates and phosphates low. I would remove the sand and put that extra rock you have in your sump. It would benefit you tenfold!

+1 on the mushroom.
Nice start, though I am partial to 60 cubes. Looks like you're rolling along just fine.
Catgirl29;1038322 wrote: Hmmm - must just be the grainy, low light pic. Zero sand in the sump and my sand is black. As you say, the sump is nice and clean now. Looking forward to getting some age on it!

Must be like the blue & black dress or is it gold and black.. :)
One of the clean up crew critters we got is a Tiger Conch. We have named it "Walter Conchite". I think it might be my favorite thing in the tank so far.
I'm so glad to see it set up. It was great meeting you. Looking good Janelle. Yes that's a red mushroom that came off my colony. Btw cut your lights back to 6-8 hr. Do not run a 12 hour cycle. Your algae will go out of control. I run a 6.5 hrs in the late afternoon into the night so I can enjoy the tank when I come home from work. Keep us posted.

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I have a conch snail as well , there very entertaining , have you see yours hop around on the rocks , mine will on occasion leave the sand and jump around to clime the rocks but my favorite is when it watches wile hidden in the sand bed it's just 2 eye's following your every move.
Tanks looking good !!
Tbub1221;1038448 wrote: I have a conch snail as well , there very entertaining , have you see yours hop around on the rocks , mine will on occasion leave the sand and jump around to clime the rocks but my favorite is when it watches wile hidden in the sand bed it's just 2 eye's following your every move.
Tanks looking good !!

Yep - and I'm amazed at how fast they move. Here "he" is this morning with his little eyes poking up and the proboscus thingie prodding and cleaning the front bottom rock in the tank.

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Looking good!

One small recommendation... I noticed you have a pretty big "dip" in your return tubing. It is best to to avoid in dips like that in the return lines as it will put more head pressure on your pump and slow your flow down a good bit. Some slack is fine to be able to move things around but you want the water flow to be moving in an upward direction through the whole line if possible.

So you may want to cut some of that slack out of your return. Unless you are using it actually slow down your flow! =)

Jakub -

Thanks. I actually ran out and got another fitting last night to shorten that but I ran out of time. I'll do the fix tonight. On top of creating the slower return, I think there is a lot of noise going on because of it.
looking good.

i have those "drip loops" as well, but as jakub pointed out, if it is stiffling flow, and there isnt a need, best to have it go straight in there.
Tank is coming along nicely. My water parameters have been testing well for about three weeks. I'm a little reluctant to post because it may seem like I'm moving too fast but really, the tank is doing great. Someone posted a bunch of coral colonies and a coupla fish at a price that was too good to pass up. As you see there is a tang in my tank at the moment. As much as I love him/her, I realize my 60 may not be the best size and it will not be a permanent resident. On the other hand, for now, it's eating like a pig and palling around with the clown (its best buddy).

Lots o' pics -

Need to work on my camera skilz

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New colonies -

Massive Trumpet (I think I'm in love with this one)

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Duncan (Green)

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Duncan (Neon Green)

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Trumpet Candycane

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Sun Corals (Dendros? Note the long-stemmed Zoas with Aiptasia - getting some peppermint shrimp this weekend)

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Super nice Frogspawn (from Brett - not acquired in the big buy)

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