January 2019 ARC Meeting - Coral Propagation, Free Frags, and Frag Swap

January 2019 ARC Meeting - Coral Propagation, Free Frags, and Frag Swap
Posted by FutureInterest
Palisades Medical Building
Saturday, January 19, 2019 - 02:00 PM
Until: Saturday, January 19, 2019 - 05:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/New_York

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates
I'm looking for an Oregon (or maybe cali) tort... anyone have a frag of this to bring?

I've just got free GSP and a lonely blue mushroom to offer up :rolleyes: I'm still a beginner but hopefully there's even newer beginners than me that can appreciate it!

I've got it. 1+ inch for $40 and 4-5" for $100.
Adam, y red to set up a table!

I just don't have the time right now. Nat is still in Chicago and get's back Saturday before the meet. That's if her flight isn't delayed with the weather headed that way. She'll have been gone 3 weeks...

With me being gone most of last week and not getting back till Sunday afternoon I just haven't had the time to get things where they need to be. I will be bringing some stuff to put in Jin's tank though. I've got a couple pieces of WD and the Oregon Torts along with some lower end stuff like some large Purple Stylo and Green Digi's.

How are you keeping your frag tank so clean. My racks are a mess!
Constant attention...not really I have several and switched them out monthly.
@dball711 Have we verified with the Office Complex that they have set enough tables aside for us?
Looks like Brandon Renoe will be coming as well and he'll need a table.
When Dave made the reservation I believe he reserved 10/11 tables. I forget what it is now. We'll need 2 for the demo portion and the rest for sponsor/member frag setups.
We're looking at 7 stations for the frag swap now!

Renoe says he'll post some pics tonight. He always has very nice stuff.
@dball711 Have we verified with the Office Complex that they have set enough tables aside for us?
Looks like Brandon Renoe will be coming as well and he'll need a table.
I reached out this AM and confirmed we can ask the security folks should we need more. So we should be good to go.
I reached out this AM and confirmed we can ask the security folks should we need more. So we should be good to go.

Hey Dave, Sorry to be a pest... Could you see if they have a screen for the projector? I thought there was one behind the stage but I can't remember. It would great if there was one! ours is so long it has to hang out the side of my truck.
They do and for some reason we always chose to use ours, not sure why though. We can always use a wall...
Day is coming, hope to make it there! Jin save me some frags! I could also pick the frag from the last package too.
Did I heard meetings at the Georgia Aquarium previously??? What about one this year? May be two?:)
Any raffles going on at this meeting? :p;)
I have not been to a meeting for a good long time and am trying to make this one. In fact, I only recently jumped back on the boards motivated by a new desire to get back into corals. My tank has been pretty baron since I lost all my coral ( save the fish ) last year due to a seal breaking and having to replace the tank.

I don't have much to offer from a frag perspective but if anyone is interested in this *Free* pulsing xenia frag I can bring it with me. If you're not familiar with them look them up before you agree. I like the look of the coral but beware they will spread to, and take over, anything you put within their reach. Best placed on an island in the sandbed. Hearty and easy to grow coral and great for beginners if you heed the necessary caution.

I'm a new member and I was looking forward to meeting all of you and learning at this event. I'm just getting back into the hobby after many years absence. I have a family event that has come up today that requires me to leave town Saturday morning. I'll have to read about it on the forums and attend the next event.
I hope Ill be done with my last detail so I can make. Would be great just to meet everyone. Would love to find some GSP or Xenia. I love the stuff. LOL