Jessezm's quest for SPS colors/growth (blog)

That is almost identical to what my living room looked like when I plumbed the OM Squirt.
chrisjet;85548 wrote: looks nice, why the styrofoam under the tank ?

Just in case the plywood ever warped at all, or any imperfections... Manufacturer actually told me not to... I guess I didn't listen!
That was then...
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I still have to finish out the canopy and stand, but as you can see, I've been focused on other stuff... Got to go give the kids and dogs flea baths... more later on
Okay, here are a few shots of the some of my corals from tonight. that last batch of photos was from 2 1/2 months ago. I have some in-between shots I won't bore you with, but may look at later for some better growth comparisons... Later, a few observations...
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Wow, good eye! I switched out some of my T5 super actinics for daylight bulbs for the increased PAR, since T5 actinics S*U*C*K in my opinion...(is that a bad word?). I've begun to realize that the result is a bit of a washed out look--although sometimes it just looks nice and crisp to me. I'm thinking of switching one or two 65k bulbs back to blue+, since I have come to the conclusion that I didn't really need the extra PAR...
jessezm;85587 wrote: I switched out some of my T5 super actinics for daylight bulbs for the increased PAR, since T5 actinics S*U*C*K in my opinion.

Yeah, they really do. What brand are you using? Giesemann?

I'm going to try the Super Actinic bulb by UV next.
why not try VHO actinics? You're already running the ballast for them...
tsciarini;85590 wrote: why not try VHO actinics? You're already running the ballast for them...

That's exactly what I did. On top of the 8 T5s, I shoved 2 48" VHO super actinics in the canopy a few months ago and WOW what a difference!
Great thread! :thumbs:

I am going to mix up my first batch of Pappone in the next week or so. I did">some legwork on locating fresh seafood</a>. I think having this hyper fresh seafood is what makes the difference between the pappone recipe and other blender mush recipes.

The sugar will be new for me as well. Curious to see how my tank will react to the sugar. Note that I have intentionally waited on the pappone recipe because of the sugar. I think a mature tank does better with the carbon additions.

I have been using Seachem Reef Plus amino acids for about 6 weeks now. I have noticed a difference in polyp extension. I am dosing as directed but using the higher dose. The [IMG]">color all of my corals</a> has improved. Take note that most of my SPS were bleached after the "flatworm incident" so I had lots of room for improvement. :unsure:

Note that the Reef Plus is the only additive I am using other than b-ionic (2 part Ca/Alk) and water changes with Tropic Marin Pro Reef salt.

The other part of the pappone/blu coral method I have been using is the feeding schedule. Some very interesting things that can be done without the HGH using this method. I think the pre-dose of aminos before the lights go out and the following dose of food after lights out is an important pattern.

Using a consistent feeding pattern like this "trains the corals" to recognize when it is time for food. I have started to think of feeding in terms of...feed the fish when the lights are on and feed the corals when the lights are off.

The other important thing to note about this method is the strict removal of the filtration during the feeding of pappone for corals. I have been taking my skimmer cup off but leaving it running to keep oxygen levels up. Its just bubbling only.

I have also been removing my filter socks during coral feedings so the flow through the whole system from overflow teeth all the way back to the return nozzles is completely open. I think taking the skimmer offline and removing mechanical filtration for a period of 8 hours or so allows the best chance for corals to feed when the pappone (or any coral food) is added to the tank.

The Blu coral/Pappone method is not just the food but also the elevated levels: Magnesium 1500, Calcium 500, Strontium 16-30, Alkalinity (dkH) 12-14, Iodine 0.06 mg/L. These elevated levels allow for a "reserve" of readily available growth elements. I have had an explosion of coralline algae growth with these high levels. Most of this has been on my overflows but the live rock is really starting to color up as well.

I have taken a full tank shot at least once a month since I have added the fish and corals so I can keep track of how things change. I think it takes at least 6-8 weeks to really see any significant results from changes applied (feeding, supplements).

Jesse I like what your doing here - real world science. Hope my thoughts above help out in your cause. :D
Since my wife has been Tivo'ing "CSI: Las Vegas" for a couple of months, it occurs to me that a plastic "L" shaped scale like they use when photographing evidence (or when an archaeologist shoots an artifact) would be a great addition when you take your documentation photographs. It would give a reproducible measure for growth/change in the flora/fauna.
Great addition to the thread, Sammy! I, too, have been slowly incorporating parts of the pappone method. I have actually been doing the Aminos every night for the past 10 days or so about an hour before lights out, and then feeding a slurry of coral frenzy (powder sized particles) with cyclopeeze after the lights go off. Polyp extension and color has been getting much better, but I don't know if the addition of phosban may have something to do with that, too. I'll keep up with the pictures, and as soon as I have more time, try to catalogue individual colonies and date them.

As far as my levels go, I know my CA and Alk are nice and high thanks to my Schuran reactor. I run it at 5.8-6.1 pH and dissolve some serious coral bones back into the system (went through a whole chamber's worth in 3 months!)

I have now added dowflake magnesium to the reactor as well, in a small amount, to help keep those levels up. I don't have a test kit, though...

One thing I have to skimp on is taking the skimmer offline... I run mine external and therefore cannot take off the cup. I'll just lower the water level so I skim less at night and see how that does. No filter socks or other mechanical filtration is in place anymore, so nothing to worry about there.

I could not find live clams, but I did use live mussles and live oysters, and fresh caught shrimp. for the algae, I used red and green sheets (10g is alot!!!). I made more than I intended, so I added 2 rather than one tbsp of sugar, and I also used a few drops of Zoecon (like selcon), and a tsp of coral frenzy (since that's what the corals are used to already!). As far as the zoecon goes, I hope that addition doesn't throw off the recipe. I observed that the fatty acids in it kill my skimmer's foam head for a few hours, so I thought adding it would help reduce the skimming during the night since I can't take it offline... We'll see I guess. Science...that's a good one Sammy! Cheers,

Nice thread Jess, fun to follow. :shades: By the way have you ever told the wife about the holes drilled into the floor?:eek:
shush! I just drilled another for the chiller last week! Don't worry, I kept the plug of wood that fateful day the tank comes down (I'll also be doing some drywall work!)
Morning update:

Well, after feeding the pappone mixture last night I was fortunate enough to make observations throughout the night as I was up till 5:00am working on a deliverable for work...

What I noticed overall was that the two corals that I've been waiting to see extend their polyps finally have done so, and in an impressive way. I have viewed these corals at night on other occaisions in the past week and havd not seen this kind of extension. I believe the pappone is at least as stimulating as the previous mix I was using. I wonder if adding cyclopeeze to the mix would also be a benefit... I've been away from home since before the lights came on this morning so I don't really have anything else to report. I dosed about 8ml of the solution. I do need to blend the mix further, I believe, but I blew out my blender last night trying to re-blend the stuff. Oops, don't tell the missus...