So for the past couple of years my tank has effectively been a fowlr. Haven’t been conscious of my nitrates or phosphates. Well the wife asked if I was ever going to get corals in the tank again. I saw that as permission to get things going! Went to start looking at my nutrient levels and found out all my kits were expired!
jumped on to the interwebs and ordered replacement reagents and a HR phosphate and nitrate checker. been working on keeping the Ph up and consistent using a Kalkwasser reactor. Had to replace my probe so get things stable though. Old prove was .5 off even after calibration.
used the new Hannah checkers and my levels are off the charts. Nitrate caps out at 75 and phosphate caps at 2.5. Pretty good chance both are over those levels.
so I have had a fuge running for about a month now. Growing cheato like crazy. But I think my levels are way too high for it to keep up. It grew so much that it filled a 40 breeder completely. So I tossed 3/4 of it away and it’s already back to about half full after a week or so.
I think I’m going to put a phosphate reactor and start a sulfer reactor to reduce the levels. It’ll take a few weeks for the sulfer reactor to kick in and start working. I don’t know how long it’ll take for the phosphate reactor to get things down to an acceptable level. Likely running 24/7 it’ll take at least a week. I still need to order a continuous dozer pump for the sulfer reactor and the sulfer beads. Phosphate will just get connected to a manifold.
I’ll post my updates here as I get the levels in check.
I do have a single head of purple tip hammer that is somehow alive. Maybe that will grow when tje levels are stable.
goal for the next 2 weeks is to reduce phosphate to 1.0.
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