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This weekend, I am going to switch my light from Coralife 36 Inch Aqualight Pro (1x150W HQI MH Lamp + 2x65W PC + 2x1W Lunar LED) to 36 inch 6x39W Tek Light High Output Fluorescent Lighting Fixture. Hopefully the new light will give my 70g tank more light (no more shadow or dark area). I also love how the T5's will run much cooler.

3 of D-D Giesemann AquaBlue
3 of D-D Giesemann Pure Actinic
1 of D-D Giesemann Midday

I like blue. I'll switch all the bulbs around to get the look I want. I think my lamp config would be:
1. AquaBlue
2. Pure Actinic
3. Midday
4. AquaBlue
5. Pure Actinic
6. AquaBlue

Any advice how to combinate the bulbs (6 out of 7 above) or add different bulbs?

Ya that looks like it might be a great combination of lights. I have an 8 bulb tek light with a similar config. Cant wait to see the pics. That will definatly light the tank up.
J.J.;297486 wrote: what do you all suggest for 4 bulb setup?

What color you like? Tank? Corals?

Personally I like this set of 4, or a varient thereof...

Blue +
Midday/75.25, or similar. (I would say procolor but it is a low par lamp for a 4 lamp setup.)
Blue +
vista;297469 wrote:

I like blue. I'll switch all the bulbs around to get the look I want. I think my lamp config would be:
1. AquaBlue
2. Pure Actinic
3. Midday
4. AquaBlue
5. Pure Actinic
6. AquaBlue

Any advice how to combinate the bulbs (6 out of 7 above) or add different bulbs?

I would think that is gonna look pretty white. If you like blue, I would replace some of the Aquablues with Blue +. The aquablue is very White with blue hints, about 14K I think.

The Midday and Aquablues can easily overpower the Blues in appearance, so i would pair 2 blues per one whiter lamp, at least.

I have really liked the 2 Blue + paired with a Procolor and Aquablue combo, but I do not run any pure actinics, nor have I tried them. I get pretty good flourescents with just the Blue+, plus they generate a higher par value, I think..

I think you will really like the T5s, but you may find as I have that fooling around with the combos can be very taxing, as you always want to tweak. I like my combo, but always am looking for what I might like a little better. I guess MH guys have this too, as they are always asking about other lamps/ballasts/etc. Good luck.
Mine is set up as follows right now

Pure actinic
blue + Overdriven
Midday Overdriven
Aquablue + Overdriven
Blue + Overdriven
Pure Actinic

I am debating changing the aqua blue + for another blue + as I don't like how white it is.

The pure actinics make the color nice!!!
rostato;297599 wrote: Mine is set up as follows right now

Pure actinic
blue + Overdriven
Midday Overdriven
Aquablue + Overdriven
Blue + Overdriven
Pure Actinic

I am debating changing the aqua blue + for another blue + as I don't like how white it is.

The pure actinics make the color nice!!!

yeah. Can you please post pics of your lighting? I can't wait to setup my new light :)
2 Pure actinics at 54W on a 90G
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All 6
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Pleasse keep in mind this was the day that I set up the tank so it is really cloudy. Also I am a terrible picture taker...
I think it is white with 6 lights on. I love pure actinic.
thank you for your photos
Yes very white. I am going to change out the aqua blue + for a blue + tomorrow either tonight or tomorrow morning when they cool off a bit, and see how it looks.
just got T5 (Tek 8 bulb fixtre)

I want to do mostly sps and some lps
I will be doing most frags so I need fast growth rate and color later

what combo is good for my setup

I was thinking
4 midday lamp
2 actinic plus
2 aqua blue
If your not going to do SPS nems, or clams a 36" fixture might do the trick, but its all situational dependant...
rostato;297599 wrote: Mine is set up as follows right now

Pure actinic
blue + Overdriven
Midday Overdriven
Aquablue + Overdriven
Blue + Overdriven
Pure Actinic

I am debating changing the aqua blue + for another blue + as I don't like how white it is.

The pure actinics make the color nice!!!

I made the mistake of saying blue + when I ment Actinic + So all the Blue + I said are Actinic +

I swapped out the aqua blue + I had for a Actinic + to make mine look like this.
Front of tank
Pure actinic
Actinic + Overdriven
Midday Overdriven
Actinic + Overdriven
Actinic+ Overdriven
Pure Actinic

I'll take a pic later on when the Icecap comes on. I am done stressing out the fish and corals.

It still looks pretty white, I may swap the Midday for the Aqua blue + and maybe swap one of the actinic+ for one of the pure actinics. I really want to get a nice 20K look. Right now it is about a 14-15K

Pics later on today...about 1pm
More power equal more PAR. When using 4 54Watts bulbs on an icecap 660 ballast you are actually running about 80Watts through them. From what I have seen as long as they are kept cool they run nicely. M ine get hot but not hot enough where they heat the tank up. They actually just make it so that the heaters only have to come on once or twice a day...

I actually bought this set up from Dawgdude, and he set it up right for keeping the bulbs cool.