KH, Carelessness Posses a Problem

if you need a mag test ican lend you mine as well and calcium they are all salifert test and probably the most acurate
Alright, Thanks, +1 for all. :) I have read this article a couple times over now and I still don't understand. After getting the second test kit, Does baking soda raise the KH and Calcium or what? I am tempted to just get the two part deal that I posted before just because I feel safer that way but I don't know yet.
Ok since I got a rep point, I will elaberate a bit. Baking soda raises you dKH abd to some extent PH in inbalance with CA and Mag. That is why Matt told you to use limewater to raise your CA and dKH until you got to about 420 CA and then switch to baking soda to finish raising you dKH. You CA is a bit low so I, like matt said, would raise that a bit first before you start to tackle the big jump in dKH. All this is under the assumption that your Mag is fine. If you mag needs some tweeking, then you need to get that up too before you start of dKH.

I have not gone back and looked at the link from Matt, but I think there is a calculator somewhere where you put in your tank volume, your dKH, your Mag, and your CA and it tells you how to make up your two part and how much to add. I THINK there is one around but if not, there needs to be!
Xyzpdq0121;42953 wrote: UPDATE: Darn Matt, I owe you two points since I have to spread some love before I can give you another rep!

Brandon, I'll give him one for you and you don't need to owe me one, just remember to give me a little help when I have a dip/qt/frag problem. Jeff
Xyzpdq0121;42953 wrote: But you do not know what your Mag is. So like Matt said, find a test for both and find out where you are. You can add all the baking soda you want but if your Mag is not right it is not going to do much but give your fish something to bake cookies with.
I am not sure this is correct. Mag certainly prevents the dissolution of calcium carbonate and bicarbonate or more accurately effects the bonding process, but I am not sure how much it effects alkalinity of the water column at least directly. If you dump a load of baking soda in your tank even mag deficient, I believe you will see a substantial effect on alkalinity.

I could be way off on this, but I believe since his pH is good and calcium is not all that low he is likely suffering from a simple buffering problem. Doesn't hurt to get the other items in line especially if you are going to add mag to your tank which can bring your calcium levels up quickly.
Xyzpdq0121;42963 wrote: Ok since I got a rep point, I will elaberate a bit. Baking soda raises you dKH abd to some extent PH in inbalance with CA and Mag. That is why Matt told you to use limewater to raise your CA and dKH until you got to about 420 CA and then switch to baking soda to finish raising you dKH. You CA is a bit low so I, like matt said, would raise that a bit first before you start to tackle the big jump in dKH. All this is under the assumption that your Mag is fine. If you mag needs some tweeking, then you need to get that up too before you start of dKH.
His calcium while on the low side of acceptable is within the good range. Kalkwasser is a pretty iffy additive here given his 8.3 pH. Add too much Kalkwasser and the pH is going to go up above 8.4. He needs a bit of calicum and adjust buffering if his readings are correct. Testing mag cannot hurt, but I again I think it is a acidity buffer problem.
Cameron;42966 wrote: I am not sure this is correct. Mag certainly prevents the dissolution of calcium carbonate and bicarbonate or more accurately effects the bonding process, but I am not sure how much it effects alkalinity of the water column at least directly. If you dump a load of baking soda in your tank even mag deficient, I believe you will see a substantial effect on alkalinity.

I could be way off on this, but I believe since his pH is good and calcium is not all that low he is likely suffering from a simple buffering problem. Doesn't hurt to get the other items in line especially if you are going to add mag to your tank which can bring your calcium levels up quickly.

Alright Panda!
Xyzpdq0121;42972 wrote: Alright Panda!
Not trying to pull a "Panda" or probably more accurately a "Cameron".

I know how Mag effects calcium, but haven't seen anyone talk about the ramifications directly on alk. I know it indirectly effects it by helping the bonding process of calcium, but how much does it actually raise/lower alk in the process? Need a chemist.

I do stick by my statement (until I am proven wrong and I likely could be since I am no expert) that Kalkwasser isn't a good supplement at this point due to an already high pH. He has a really strange problem going on since he has a high ranged pH, low end but ok calcium and extremely low alk. Almost like he was adding some pH buffer solution to raise pH.
Cameron;42973 wrote: He has a really strange problem going on since he has a high ranged pH, low end but ok calcium and extremely low alk. Almost like he was adding some pH buffer solution to raise pH.

Yes, it is strange for sure.

I would not be surprised if the alk test was not reading correctly based on the numbers provided.
wbholwell;42977 wrote: ^^^ Hey, isn't that what I said???
Sorry missed your post. +1 for catching that one.

An old kit could be the problem. I would pick up an API or Seachem kit from PetSmart as well as take your water to a LFS for testing. I would recommend Salifert, but I am neck deep on that conversation in another thread.
We need this as a workshop in an upcoming meeting. Maybe we can get the Seachem guy come in and explain it to us... or at least me. I really would like a more real world example of what to do in these situations assuming the test kits are reading correctly.
wbholwell;42985 wrote: sweet, rep point! (don't have too many of those)

Ha I don't get those either lol. I don't really help I just ask a lot of questions.:yes:
wbholwell;42985 wrote: sweet, rep point! (don't have too many of those)
I have been stagnant for a while. I need to make some more intelligent posts to get that number moving back up.
Cameron;42988 wrote: I have been stagnant for a while. I need to make some more intelligent posts to get that number moving back up.

Or plead for more when I start catching up to you in Rep Points again! Shister!!