KH, Carelessness Posses a Problem

Ha Ha, Brandon. Now I too have been through a lot, and you should listen to me!
I don't need charity unlike yourself. I just need to post more rep oriented posts.
wbholwell;42996 wrote: Ha Ha, Brandon. Now I too have been through a lot, and you should listen to me!

Sorry, I do not listen to anyone with less then two green boxes! ;) LOL...

No seriously, I had Cameron beat till he begged for rep points when he knew I surpassed him. Shady stuff right there?!? He does need more good posts. Too bad, we know how few and far between those can be expected from him now-a-days. He has till I come back from vacation to pad his stats... After that time, it is "GAME ON" since I will be posting my new Wikis at that point. I just need to figure out how to stagger my good posts out so I can reap the max number of rep points before people start owing me points again! ;)

I mean seriously, do you really want Cameron, the man who caused so much trouble in so many different forums to be the Rep leader? I would like to see Matt there before Cameron! Heck I will start giving Bryan rep points if I thought I could give him enough to surpass Cameron over there! ;)
well i gave all of you rep points all of you have been very helpful to me in the past so i would like to show it with my gratitude .
Who? lol I'm so lost! Ha Brandon I'll need everyone in the club to give me rep to catch up with Cameron.
Maroons16;43028 wrote: Who? lol I'm so lost! Ha Brandon I'll need everyone in the club to give me rep to catch up with Cameron.
well with as many post that you have you would think that your rep points would say god
No, I probably loose points for as many posts that I have because people are tired of me lol.
Xyzpdq0121;42953 wrote: BRYAN, LISTEN TO MATT HERE!!!

Ok, did you hear that?!? ( I know how hard it is for you kids these days to hear stuff!) ;) You know just as much as anyone how important it is to read, so, we know you do not do school work, so switch from the ARC page to Matt's links and read up!

Let me see if I can explain it a bit simpler then Matt. KH, CA and Mag are in direct relationship to eachother. Going off the fact that you test is reading right (which it might not be so use a different test), your dKH is way low. But you do not know what your Mag is. So like Matt said, find a test for both and find out where you are. You can add all the baking soda you want but if your Mag is not right it is not going to do much but give your fish something to bake cookies with. You can go off of the DF&S two part link that you posted but again you do not know where you are starting from so how do you know where you need to go? IMHO, Matt is 110% correct here. Find out your levels and dose accordingly with a "custom" 2-part solution. You can raise what you need to raise and switch when you need to. I doubt the blanket approach (ie, using something from a "fix-all" bottle) is going to give you results vs. the price you are going to pay for it. IMHO, Read and use that knowledge to fix your tank.

You know as well nothing happens fast in this hobby, or nothing good... so take your time and fix the problem right.

Matt, +2 (one now and I owe you one later) for these posts. ;)

UPDATE: Darn Matt, I owe you two points since I have to spread some love before I can give you another rep!

I think the easiest thing you could do is to change your water in a stepped-up frequency to get back in balance, All the while reading what Matt has said to do so that in the future you can play chemist if you desire. My experience has led me to conclude that I almost always add chemicals way too fast because I am impatient. This inevitablly leads to the damage of one of my corals.
I am like that too! I still haven't really decided on what to do but I shall let everyone know. That is if anyone wants to know lol.
kelly3341;43040 wrote: I think the easiest thing you could do is to change your water in a stepped-up frequency to get back in balance, All the while reading what Matt has said to do so that in the future you can play chemist if you desire. My experience has led me to conclude that I almost always add chemicals way too fast because I am impatient. This inevitablly leads to the damage of one of my corals.
i would have to agree with you on this i had a problem with ,y pars. and believe it or not after 2 water changes later everything looks really good
Xyzpdq0121;43006 wrote: No seriously, I had Cameron beat till he begged for rep points when he knew I surpassed him. Shady stuff right there?!? He does need more good posts. Too bad, we know how few and far between those can be expected from him now-a-days. He has till I come back from vacation to pad his stats... After that time, it is "GAME ON" since I will be posting my new Wikis at that point. I just need to figure out how to stagger my good posts out so I can reap the max number of rep points before people start owing me points again!
They are just little green boxes... if it means that much to you Brandon, I will bring up at the next BoD meeting to give you pitty points.

Xyzpdq0121;43006 wrote: I mean seriously, do you really want Cameron, the man who caused so much trouble in so many different forums to be the Rep leader? I would like to see Matt there before Cameron! Heck I will start giving Bryan rep points if I thought I could give him enough to surpass Cameron over there! ;)
It is true, I am a trouble maker but I would say in my defense it came trying to get a big discount for the club. Your trouble making seems to irritate sponsers... ohhh was that too low? :shades:
ok you two guys need to get your own thread going on this topic cause you have just hijacked maroons thread lol
Cameron;43045 wrote:
It is true, I am a trouble maker but I would say in my defense it came trying to get a big discount for the club. Your trouble making seems to irritate sponsers... ohhh was that too low? :shades:

Banned from a local fish store, now that is real talent!!!
Must you keep hijacking a thread... to feel powerful? I am going to set an example, like the good leader of fine people like I am and leave the childish comments to you. Lets let this get back on topic...

Fair enough... I was just responding to Brandon calling me a Shister. He gets so jealous... sometimes it is scary. ;)