Kick-Ich is it safe for a reef tank too?

darren neil

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Well I guess the title says it. i have ich and wanted to know if kick-ich is safe to put in the display tank? it is a reef tank. the bottle says that it is for freshwater and marine ich safe for all fish, corals and invertebrates. im just trying to get out of takeing everything out of my tank to catch my fish.
some people have success & some people have disasters.

I used it a few years ago (I did 2 complete doses for a total of 6 weeks), and it worked perfectly for me.

<span style="color: black">here are some things to read over:</span>
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I will be counterpoint to Ralph, and say it is a waste of money. It may not damage your inverts, but it wont "kick ick" either.
I once saw someone put a couple drops of tobasco in a 200+ gallon tank because of an ich attack. they explained that it irritates the fish so that they (here's where it gets fuzzy) either shed scales or slime coat or something along those lines...

It was a few years ago, so I don't remember what the exact action the fish would take, unfortunately.

I do remember that all but one fish survived... and it was one of the weaker fish.

I'm not suggesting putting tobasco in your tank, just adding a couple cents about the hot pepper ingredient in kick ich.
I think the active ingredient is napthiquinone. It also contains garlic. I admit that I have used it in my reef tank before with no harmful effects.
Ruby Reef's Kick-ich is this from Steven Pro's article:

Treatment Option 8: 5-Nitroimidazoles
There is another class of products on the market that are alleged to be a reef-safe, alternative, anti-parasitic medication for Cryptocaryon irritans</em>. The active ingredient of this category of treatments is 5-Nitroimidazoles. I have only used this type of product a few times, but never in a reef tank, so I cannot speak to those claims. I found these to be moderately successful against Cryptocaryon</em>, although it required twice as many applications as the manufacturer stated on the instructions to affect a complete cure. My biggest complaint is how expensive it was, in particular accounting for the amount and time needed to affect a full cure. Anyone who wishes to try one of these products should perform a search on several of the online message boards to get additional feedback prior to purchasing. Based on my own experience alone, I cannot recommend them.

If I got ich today, I would first try feeding metro, garlic & vitamins to see if they could fight it while I started getting ready for the inevitable by QT'ing hypo-salinity.
DrNecropolis;296835 wrote: As far as I remember the active ingredient is just hot pepper... Not sure how that works..


The active ingredient of this category of treatments is 5-Nitroimidazoles
original posted by mysterybox as a qoute I think
Anyone who wishes to try one of these products should perform a search on several of the online message boards to get additional feedback prior to purchasing. Based on my own experience alone, I cannot recommend them.

As a matter of fact heres my facts or feedback whichever you choose to call it
I tried this product on three different occasions and it did nothing for the treatment and cure of ich in my tank. I don't know what is in it , don't care what is in it and that's a fact. I think the bottle states it is reef safe so I guess that makes it true or factual.
grouper therapy;296930 wrote: Sorry
As a matter of fact heres my facts or feedback whichever you choose to call it
I tried this product on three different occasions and it did nothing for the treatment and cure of ich in my tank. I don't know what is in it , don't care what is in it and that's a fact. I think the bottle states it is reef safe so I guess that makes it true or factual.

I am not "pro" Kick-Ich by any means. snake oil implies that it is a placebo, when it is an anti-parasitic medication. It worked for me, but I realize a lot of people had no success with it. I would NOT use it today if my fish caught Ich now. I also realize that there are a few products that have similar names which makes it even more confusing.
You are correct it is suppose to cure ich. Snake oil was probably the wrong choice of words, my bad I should have got to the point and called it placebo. Since it did not perform as an anti paristic in my situation. In most of the aritcles I read there never was hard evidence that it actually killed the parasite that we call ich. There have been case as yours that it seemed to work.
mysterybox;296937 wrote: I am not "pro" Kick-Ich by any means. snake oil implies that it is a placebo, when it is an anti-parasitic medication. It worked for me, but I realize a lot of people had no success with it. I would NOT use it today if my fish caught Ich now. I also realize that there are a few products that have similar names which makes it even more confusing.


The issue here is: did it iactually cure the ick, or did the symptomsd alleviate coincidentally? It is impossible to know. I am guessing the latter, based on the levels of extreme failure from numerous otehr accounts. Making causal deductions on efficacy is a slippery slope.
Except for the fact that I am 100% sure that Kick-Ich cured my Ich. All of my fish had it bad at the time, and my Yellow Tang developed H&L disease, too. All fish healed at the same pace and all fish never got it back again. I have since introduced new fish, and I have not seen it since. The original fish were of different species, so that would nehard pressed to state they all got well at the same time. You don't have to believe me, but it's true. I also, don't go around promoting it either, this was a specific question to a product that I had success with. Other people have also had success with it, while most have not. It is an anti-parasite drug though. It only kills the free swimming form, so treatment must be over a 6 week period if I remember correctly. Again, there are much better tested & proven methods like Hypo & others.
How come it works for you, then, and no one else? Whereas defintive treatments work nearly every time? And how come you dont endorse it then? Now, Im curious!!
I have used it twice. The first time I had ich I dosed the tank with Kick Ick and started feeding garlic soaked foods. I limited lighting and turned up the heat. Within a few days, all symptoms had diminished. It may have been the kick Ick or it may have been the garlic and fast response to it when noticed.

Recently I added a CB which came down with ick after a week or so. She looked and acted fine and I made the mistake (which I won't do again) and added her directly to my QT. She developed the ick but no one else did. I have been feeding foods soaked in garlic since my last outbreak so I believe the resistance came from that. My CB would not show it during the day but it would come back strong at night. Kick Ick did absolutely nothing for the CB. I finally decided after a week, to treat her with copper and (knock on wood), she shows no signs and is progressing nicely.

My firm belief is once you are able to boost the immune system of the fish by feeding garlic and good staple foods, they are able to fight off the ich. My CB did not have the chance to build up her immune system and was more susceptable than the rest.

Bottom can try it but the results will be truly unknown compared to other proven methods such as hypo...etc.
That's a fair question.

I was very new to the hobby, and I didn't know anyone with a tank. My fish were dying, and finally I figured out with my lfs that it was ich. My lfs, told me about reefcentral, so I did some research. I set up a quarantine tank, but both clowns died in it. I figured that was not going to work, so I wanted to do it in my display. My lfs sold me Kick-ich. While I was using it, I contacted marine depot and got their opinion. They said it worked about 80% of the time. They gave me the name of the owner. He worked with me on my specific situation, and recommended that I do an accelerated dosing method and faxed me the dosage. He then told me that I had to do this twice over a 6 week period in order to kill all the freeswimming parasites. I even talked to steven pro. He stated that it worked, but you had to use twice the recommend dose.

So, after the period was over, my fish were all cured & none had died when I started dosing. None have ever contracted ich again.

After getting more involved in various forums at that point, I promoted that product profusely. The negative feed back that I had received made me realize that the majority of people did not have success with it at all. I also, don't know if they used the accelerated dosing plan that I used either. It was basically, double the dose, and do 2 complete treatments. Although I have run into a few success stories with it's use, it continues to be controversial, and with further research, I have come to the conclusion that there are much better tried & true methods in solving ich. I actually, just got up & opened my first reef book, The New Marine Aquarium, and low & behold the original faxes from Ruby Reef are there. It states, "Ruby Reef inc. Technical Memorandum #6.3" "When to accelerate the Kick-ich dosage regimen."

Day 1: 3-4 oz per 25 gallon
Day 4: 3oz per
Day 7: 3 oz per
Day 10, 13, 16, 18: 2.5oz per
Day 20, 22, 24, 26, & 28: 2 oz per

Repeat whole thing again after water changes.

but anyway, I don't own and stock in the company (it's private, I guess anyway), so I have no obligation to Ruby Reef.
IamRit;297085 wrote: Kick-Ich isn't going to harm your system but it isn't effective in treating ick in my opinion. Actually, it's a waste of money to use it.
Just curious, how old is your system? What is the total volume of water in your system? What is your water parameters? How many fish you have at the present? What type of fish are they? How often you feed your fish?

It is four months old carried over from a 55 gallon that was a year old. Total volume of water is 160 gallons. 2 mandareins, 1 sailfin tang hes the one with ick, 1 red spot goby, some other type of goby, 1 brisslle tooth tang, 1 maroon clown. I feed once a day and thats at 9 pm. my tank parameters are.
temp 80
sailinty 1.026
ph 8.4
cal 360
mag 1280
dkh 10
phos 0
nitrate 0
nitrite 0
ammo 0
Well i get home from work run over to check my fish and he has no signs of ick its gone. whats up with that? I have not treated my tank for it. the only thing that i have done was i soak there food in garlic xtreme last night before i feed them. I have pics of my tank on here just look under my threads and you can see some of my fish they are all really healthy. I thank all of yall so much for the info. thanks again.