Lacking Trace Elements?

MarquiseO;1056710 wrote: Get a Red Sea Nitrate test kit. You can get the pro if you want but the the regular one is fine because anything below 2ppm isn't good. For phosphates, get the Hanna checker Ultra low phosphorus. It has 1ppb accuracy. Convert ppb to ppm with this formula: Checker Reading x 3.066 / 1000

+1 on regular red sea.

if you cant detect what ppm no3 you have with it and need the ultra low range. you are way too low.

spectracide stump remover or seachem flourish nitrate are good supplements.
Genesis;1056713 wrote: Red Sea sells the Algae Control Kit which has the Nitrate and Phosphate test kits in one. Do you think this would suffice or would getting the Hanna Checker be worth it?

Don't get the RS phosphate kit. The Hanna UL phosphorus is the most accurate on the market; just simply convert the reading with the formula I have you above. The nitrate kit will suffice because it has a larger range than the phosphates for optimal coloration.
MarquiseO;1056715 wrote: I don't think it's your lighting. I use 8 t5 bulbs with (2) reef brite XHO units which is overkill and haven't had a lighting issue; neither did the photo acclimate. You need nitrates and phosphates. Just keep your phosphates around 0.02-0.03ppm and your nitrates at 2ppm-6ppm. TBH you can even go higher with the nitrates but you must have the phosphates in that range. The nitrates will deplete faster than the phosphates when you carbon dose.

Now I'm really intrigued as to where my nitrate/phosphate levels are. Without doing these test yet and me just having a feel of my tank I suspect my nitrates are really low. I know I have phosphates because I had some minor algae that grows on the rocks and glass. I do use BRS ROX 0.8 carbon/GFO in my dual reactor to help combat this.
When I get home tonight I will add some pictures to give everyone a better visual.
Genesis;1056721 wrote: Now I'm really intrigued as to where my nitrate/phosphate levels are. Without doing these test yet and me just having a feel of my tank I suspect my nitrates are really low. I know I have phosphates because I had some minor algae that grows on the rocks and glass. I do use BRS ROX 0.8 carbon/GFO in my dual reactor to help combat this.

if you dose nitrate. make sure to pull the gfo. the nitrate availability alone will drive phosphates down to near 0. (unless you feed a ton).

another option is to add more fish.

just be careful not to be phosphate limited either. gfo is pretty aggressive.
Russ-IV;1056725 wrote: if you dose nitrate. make sure to pull the gfo. the nitrate availability alone will drive phosphates down to near 0. (unless you feed a ton).

another option is to add more fish.

just be careful not to be phosphate limited either. gfo is pretty aggressive.

That was what I was kind of getting when I watched all of the Red Sea Reef Program videos. They spoke of a direct correlation between nitrates and phosphates when pitching the NoPox video.
Genesis;1056727 wrote: That was what I was kind of getting when I watched all of the Red Sea Reef Program videos. They spoke of a direct correlation between nitrates and phosphates when pitching the NoPox video.

They are just referring to the Redfield Ratio which suggests you need a ratio of 106 Carbon:16 Nitrogen :1 Phosphorus
A quick way I can tell when my nitrates are low is when my pH goes from a normal of 8.4 to 8.1-8.2 during mid day. After I add 10mL of potassium nitrate, it resumes the 8.4 range.
MarquiseO;1056729 wrote: They are just referring to the Redfield Ratio which suggests you need a ratio of 106 Carbon:16 Nitrogen :1 Phosphorus

MarquiseO;1056695 wrote: Bonsai Acropora. Trend name is Garf Bonsai. Scientific is Acropora secale.

Thanks,sadly to say, mine looks like the 1st pic.But the rest of my acros look ok.
Notice the different coloration in my euphylia section. The newly added purple/green frogspawn does not have the pale appearance like the others
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Pics added. Next update will be giving result for Nitrate and phosphate test.
you definitely dont have a major nitrate issue where you should dose.

i believe if you feed a bit more to that tank, it would be enough.
if you do dose potassium nitrate. it should be a one time deal for that month.

i gave an extreme example which i have to deal with. your corals just need a tweak.

i recommend a bluer spectrum as well. between 420-460 nm. at least a stronger light in that spectrum.
Russ-IV;1056836 wrote: you definitely dont have a major nitrate issue where you should dose.

i believe if you feed a bit more to that tank, it would be enough.
if you do dose potassium nitrate. it should be a one time deal for that month.

i gave an extreme example which i have to deal with. your corals just need a tweak.

i recommend a bluer spectrum as well. between 420-460 nm. at least a stronger light in that spectrum.

Once I get some test done we will see were my nitrates/phosphates are. For better pics I turned my blue down. This is my light setup
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MarquiseO;1056717 wrote: Don't get the RS phosphate kit. The Hanna UL phosphorus is the most accurate on the market; just simply convert the reading with the formula I have you above. The nitrate kit will suffice because it has a larger range than the phosphates for optimal coloration.

+1 here on the Hanna for po4. Life saver.

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Brandon, post up a picture of that coral you fragged for me (can't remember the name but it grew in nice formations) and I'll put up a picture of mine now, running little nitrate and no po4. I would be interested to see the coloration difference to see if your issue is po4/nitrate levels.

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bkostuch;1056965 wrote: Brandon, post up a picture of that coral you fragged for me (can't remember the name but it grew in nice formations) and I'll put up a picture of mine now, running little nitrate and no po4. I would be interested to see the coloration difference to see if your issue is po4/nitrate levels.

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Pavona coral

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bkostuch;1056965 wrote: Brandon, post up a picture of that coral you fragged for me (can't remember the name but it grew in nice formations) and I'll put up a picture of mine now, running little nitrate and no po4. I would be interested to see the coloration difference to see if your issue is po4/nitrate levels.

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bkostuch;1056969 wrote: Looks close to mine.
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This one hasn't really been effected like some of the others
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Chalice frag that I got from you.

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