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So my 150g tank seems to have started to leak

It appears to be in the worst possible position

The leak is coming from the bottom of the stand in the far back corner that I can only reach if I stretch and twist my arm to its fullest and then only my tips of fingers can reach

I see at least 1 to 2 drops dripping of the stand every 5 seconds and if I leave it a day I have a nice puddle on the wood floors

The system is way too heavy to move

Any bright ideas, without the obvious of having to empty everything?
I will try to get photos
It is bottom of tank, top of stand

I can not see any water leak from the tank itself, but the top back right corner of the stand is where I see it dripping from
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Only way I see you not having to drain the tank would be if the leak is originating at a loose/broken bulkhead and running down to the corner of the tank and dripping there. It would be a little odd for a center or offset overflows that are leaking to run along the bottom of the tank to the corner before dripping down like that... but it is possible.

If you have corner overflows then there is a good a chance of it hopefully being a bulkhead issue. Also make sure your returns aren't possibly splashing around a bit and causing water to build up on the rim/back of the tank and then running down between the tank/stand.

Either way I would start at the bulkheads and see if any of them can be tighten a bit or if there is a crack in one of them.
+1 on starting with the bulkheads. I had this happen once and just as I was about to panic, noticed a small drop of water coming from the bulkhead seal. A 1/4 turn with a bulkhead wrench and it never leaked again.
So I ran my hand around the bulk head and sides of tank and all appears dry
The water level I have had lower than the bulkheads for over 24hrs and it was still dripping fairly rapid

I started to empty the tank but I have run out of containers
I have about 50% of the water out and most of the rock and corals.
The sand/ clean up and fairly heavy stocked fish are still in tank

Now for the interesting fact - it has stopped dripping, it seems as i have reduced the weight and water the drip has stopped

It is still fairly heavy as it still has 50% water and sand, could the additional weight cause this? or more likely I missed something
I hope that this is not the case but what it could mean is a leak at a seam that you have drained the water below now.
It's one of two things. Like Doug says, you've lowered the water level below the leak point or the weight is such that it's no longer causing enough pressure to force the leak.

I would begin to fill it back up, 5 gallons at a time. Wait a few minutes before adding the next bucket until the leak returns. Then try to find the source.
due to the difficulty of access, I have decided (without wife permission) to cut a hole in the wall behind the tank so I can see and gain access.

I think before I fill slowly I will take a can of that flex seal silicon and spray all the bulkheads and pipe joins behind the tank to seal any potential leak area, then I will fill bucket by bucket and hope for the best. Will probably let it dry overnight and fill tomorrow - hope my corals survive in the buckets - I have no heaters or powerheads for them
Go get yourself a kiddy pool or 3, move all your livestock into them with some power heads and take the tank down.

You can then fill it up in the garage and see where the leak is.
Man, if it isn't a fitting it has to be a seam.
I hate to say it, but if it is a seam you need to replace the tank or reseal it.

Both options require a complete take down :/

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Mark....I've got a 150g stock tank currently not in use. If you have to do a complete take down, you can borrow it. I've also got a couple of 300w heaters you can use. I did this a few years ago in my garage. Granted, I have heat in my garage and it's insulated so it wasn't a huge deal for me. At least it's an option for you.
I just got a bunch of black Friday stuff in and I haven't started my system yet. I can loan you heaters, powerheads and even some tanks if you need anything. Let me know I'm in Duluth.
Thanks everyone for the offers to loan equipment to help, greatly appreciate

Good news - I found the source of my leak, Once I removed my wall at the back of the tank I could see dried salt from the return bulkhead

When I pressed on it water came out, hence the source of the leak

After much agonizing work, and thanks to my trusty dremmel I have been able to remove the bulkhead

Now, does anybody happen to have a return bulkhead lying around I could buy from you
I need a 3/4 threaded
I need thread on the inside of the part in the tank. The other side can be either

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Thanks Jeff, are you in if i come round, it should work

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