Last Monday, I acquired two finger leathers, one regular brown/pinkish (which curiously now looks purple), the other is bright green.
They've both stayed pretty much completely deflated since placing them in my tank. Originally placed in the bottom of the tank in low flow areas (mushrooms in same spot aren't too happy, either).
I've moved them both once to see if flow/light will change their response, but nada. They're currently both in the middle of the tank in a medium flow area.
When should I start worrying about these guys?
As of 9/29
NO3 0.25
Ca 450
Mg 1275
Phos 0.3
They've both stayed pretty much completely deflated since placing them in my tank. Originally placed in the bottom of the tank in low flow areas (mushrooms in same spot aren't too happy, either).
I've moved them both once to see if flow/light will change their response, but nada. They're currently both in the middle of the tank in a medium flow area.
When should I start worrying about these guys?
As of 9/29
NO3 0.25
Ca 450
Mg 1275
Phos 0.3