LED Question HELP


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will this be suitable for corals and anemones in my 10 gallon nano?
Doubtful. Most the ribbon lights use really low powered LED's. More for accent lighting.
They make that light in a "marine" and "freshwater" model. The marine version will allow some coral growth, but from what I've heard/read it won't allow you to grow anything and everything. From my understanding it will grow softies just fine but idk if it will be sufficient for anemones or not. I'm sure someone else with more experience will step in and give you a more exact answer
Bummer. I notice that it does say "freshwater optimized" I wonder if this is their way of saying that it's not gonna do the trick for coral..

Assuming the 3 watts per gallon rule, I only need 30 total watts to sustain anemones and LPS and softies... I think I may try it.
Sorry..I was thinking of this light


They run this over a nano at the LFS in Augusta. They have some softies and favia in it
ok- I just went to Current USA's website and it says it puts out 14 watts... even I know that won't do the trick... darn.
In a shallow tank like yours it should be fine - the sealed fixture (SKU:2311591) I mean, not the naked strip lights. No you won't get the penetration you would with higher power LED/lens combos but you won't need it - this particular fixture sits about 2" above the water, not 24-36" like most tablets + hanging kits. The more numerous + smaller emitters will also give you pretty even coverage and should minimize or completely avoid disco and banding effects as well.

My tank I showed you a few weeks ago? Lit by an 18watt PAR38 product - the wattage statistic has little meaning provided the intensity and spectrum are OK. I have personally seen macroalgae, softy and LPS tanks lit by the Current Orbit product and bought livestock that depends on quality lighting from their owners that were in excellent health (the critters, not the owners).

Given what you say you're planning to stock in the future, this isn't a bad choice by a longshot. As I mentioned in an earlier PM, you'll need a glass /cell cast acrylic lid cut to fit the tank to prevent fish jumping and keep evaporation in check since you won;t have the hood anymore.
JDavid;975606 wrote: Ignore the 3 watt per gallon rule

+1 its a terrible rule of thumb for anything other than SPS lol. Softies/zoa will do "meh" under those cheap LEDs, I would just invest in a cheap t5 fixture if you want flexibility.

Edit: Those ribbon lights wont grow ANYTHING. Very few lumen. The current usa one will grow "some" stuff; however that's kind of expensive for just a few LED, I would expect to find a cheap used lighting setup that will grow far more for far less.
BulkRate;975612 wrote: In a shallow tank like yours it should be fine - the sealed fixture (SKU:2311591) I mean, not the naked strip lights. No you won't get the penetration you would with higher power LED/lens combos but you won't need it - this particular fixture sits about 2" above the water, not 24-36" like most tablets + hanging kits. The more numerous + smaller emitters will also give you pretty even coverage and should minimize or completely avoid disco and banding effects as well.

My tank I showed you a few weeks ago? Lit by an 18watt PAR38 product - the wattage statistic has little meaning provided the intensity and spectrum are OK. I have personally seen macroalgae, softy and LPS tanks lit by the Current Orbit product and bought livestock that depends on quality lighting from their owners that were in excellent health (the critters, not the owners).

Given what you say you're planning to stock in the future, this isn't a bad choice by a longshot. As I mentioned in an earlier PM, you'll need a glass /cell cast acrylic lid cut to fit the tank to prevent fish jumping and keep evaporation in check since you won;t have the hood anymore.

are you referring to the product Jpines listed or the one I found?
Hes very likely talking about the one jpines listed, the strip lights are garbage take it from me; I have been using them strictly for moonlight because they don't do much else. Put it this way, if my fish go to sleep under them it is very likely corals will also lol.

If you plan to keep Anemones go ahead and buy a decent fixture, you get what you pay for and going cheap on LEDs especially will just end up costing you more money down the road when you find out it cant support them. The razor type fixtures similar to what jpines listed are better but still hit or miss. Being a shallow tank DOES help. How big is this tank?
So, do you think I'd be throwing my money away if I picked this up, or will it sustain/grow anems and LPS/Softies?
The unfortunate thing is, it's a great deal plus free shipping... I just would rather continue to save if it's not going to work for me.

it's 14 total watts, full spectrum and lots of effects.. for a 12" deep tank.
I would lean towards sustain but probably not "grow" LPS/SPS or at least not like it should. The problem though is without seeing significant growth its fairly hard to tell if stuff is actually thriving or just surviving. Would love to hear someone else's opinion on this. Current USA builds some good stuff.... How many gallons at 12" deep?? In other words how wide is the tank left to right because if its wide enough I think you should invest in a used T5 fixture, you get color choice on bulbs, higher output will sustain MOST every coral, and its cheap! BTW 14 watts is not much even at 12".

Edit: Even a cheap new t5 fixture such as this would be sufficient for at least LPS. However I would just buy used; still almost cheaper than that LED fixture.

JDavid;975625 wrote: Continue to save

I agree, especially if you have a smaller tank you could save up like $300 and buy a used radion off of somebody. I myself am saving towards the same, cant beat that value.
I will continue to save. However....

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. I placed an order for one. Deal was too good to pass up and given the dimensions of my tank and my current setup, it seemed worth a roll of the dice.

It's 44" long, so I should be able to get two rows of lights out of it using my existing hood, plus the LEDs that I already have running in the hood. I've also read a lot of reviews online and folks are seeing really great plant growth in planted tanks using these lights.

For what it's worth, it may be a neat experiment. Start with one LPS and see how it does.. if I experience negligible growth or deterioration, then we have our answer.

Some specs on the model I ordered:

Model #4009
Fits Aquariums: 18&#8221; &#8211; 48&#8221;
Dimensions: 44&#8221; L x .375&#8221; W x .125&#8221; H
Voltage: 12Volts DC
Watts: 14
LEDs: 48, 6500K, White LEDs and 24, RGB, Full-spectrum LEDs
Total Lumens: 1000

I wanted to say that I really appreciate everyone weighing in on this. I can keep everyone updated on how things go, if they like.
For the cost its not a bad idea, definitely track and keep a close eye on the corals. Soft will do ok under your setup, LPS will be hit or miss; I imagine its probably enough for certain LPS. Take it slow adding corals buddy.

BTW ran across some rough data to give you an idea of what T5s over a 48" tank produce in terms of lumens (the measurement that matters next to PAR). T5 is considered the minimum requirement for soft/lps/sps by most folks.

T5 28 watt lamp equals about 2800 Lumens per lamp position

T5ho 54 watt lamp equals about 5000 Lumens per lamp position

So I use a 6xT5 Current USA Nova Fixture"
54 watts per bulb, six bulbs for a total of 324 watts or 30000 lumens.

This could be way off but if its the case it means you'll be pushing the limits of what LPS is looking for.
kilralpine;975634 wrote: For the cost its not a bad idea, definitely track and keep a close eye on the corals. Soft will do ok under your setup, LPS will be hit or miss; I imagine its probably enough for certain LPS. Take it slow adding corals buddy.

absolutely. I will track progress.

I want to start with one torch or some GSP and see how that goes. Let it sit for a while, see how it does and go from there.