Lets see your Sun Coral Pics.


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Here is my Sun Coral. He has fattened up alot since he came into my home. LOL. He is in the Qt tank now and will eventually go into the main tank. I have a new found love for Sun Corals!!!
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I've been so wanting one of these and as soon as the 90g is set up, I'm going on a hunt. Will be picking your brain for hints in the future... keep us posted!
Very nice Alan. I have been interested in one of these but the feeding ritual makes me a little shy. I still have some time before I will be comfortable in taking on one of them. What and how often are you feeding him?
Feeding ritual is worse than a dogs. Definitely not a coral for the fair weather reefer! Beautiful though!
I like attending to my tank daily and interacting with anything that will respond in my tank, so I'd love the feeding *ritual*. If anyone gets tired of their SC, please let me know as I'm looking for one.

ohhh as always...very nice Big D :) You have sun coral Rit???? Where are those? in your big tank?
wow i dont think i've ever seen that in your tank, lol...then again your tank is huge and there is a lot to look at! I'll gladly accept a piece...anything from you Rit :) Although i dont have anything to trade for it really....unless you want a cup coral...I got it from scientific coral a bit ago...its about the size of a half dollar. Let me know.
Very nice everyone! I feed mine everyday. He always eats 1 to 3 Mysis shrimp everyday. With one polyp I have to hand feed him.
you hand feed him and you love it! Dont think i didnt see that smile on your face when you were feeding him..lol. Cool thanks Rit, I could prolly pick him up tomorrow or thursday...Let me know what works better for you....if neither of those days, after the weekend I could do too. I'll be out this weekend.
ok cool yeah I'll be in DC over the weekend for a wedding...I'll call you when I'll be heading over or when I think i can get over there, if not tomorrow or thurs, next week. I definately appreciate it......oh you know what....I might have a frag for you.....I have a piece of chalice that might do wonders in your tank...I'll get you a piece of it :)
I must admit. I do like feeding my Sunny. It's like having a small friend that's just begging for a treat. LOL. Love those Suns! Rit that's really nice. Lee you better take care of that Sun. Or I'll have to "borrow" him. LOL!!!
oh you now I'll take care of it :) Dude.....omg, sorry to hijack this post, but look at the polyp extension on your yellow mille!!!! They are out so much they are about to fall out, lol.
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hehehe, yeah its definately happy, started to grow another 2 branchs at the bottom, you can kinda see in the pic.