Lets talk bigger fish that are reef safe....


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Demorest, Ga
Yup me again. Once again research has gotten me confused... again. So I see so many people having angels, tangs, butterflyfish and other fish of that sorts in their reef.. as most may know I'm build 100g Reef and I'm wanting a couple of those added. That being said the research I have done says all of those more than likely will eat your corals.... Does this mean I am unable to add these amazing fish to my reef? I should add the fact I'm wanting it to be a mixed reef. Help would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to go a different route with this build.
It really depends on the type of fish and that fishes personality. Ive had great success with tangs and butterfly’s and I haven’t noticed them eating corals.
The scopas tang is reef safe but I’ve personally never had the other 2. So maybe another reefer here to chime in on their experience with them.
From what I've read the pebble one eats everything but sps. Didn't find much on the pearlscale. What butterflyfish do you have experience with that do well in a mixed reef?