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Ive been hearing a ton of talk about lighting...I have the Sunpod 150w 14k on my 24 Nano. I would bet that its almost too bright and Im thinking that it may be hindering the growth of my corals. The thing is only a month or so old (sunpod) and Im wondering if T5s would not be a better choice considering brightness and heat..

for the most part, there is no such thing as too much light. yes the kicker you'll have to look out for is heat. I had a 175W on my 15g tank for a good bit with no ill effects. Light suggestions really all depends on what youre trying to acchieve with your tank....if you want an SPS garden, its better to have more light than say a softie tank.
atm its softies but nothing is forever...I just havent gotten to the sps yet. just seems things are not growing as quick as I like...i know i I like is the key...14k and still no nice blue tints to the just not happy with.. BAM WHITE LIGHT...know what I mean or am I being trivial..??
Lecture at the meeting last night suggested that it <u>is</u> possible to have too much light. Maybe you could get a T-5 loaner and try it for awhile to see if there's a significant difference.
use a usio 20k bulb its not as blue as most 20k bulbs and has very good par readings i have 2 20k 250 hwi in my tank and love it
Not a bad idea linda...swutch out for 30 days and see....hmmmm
Hey everyone... dont take things TOO literal from the presentation. Remember that while some coral colorations are ideal under different lighting intensities (or PAR values), the design of your system is what determines what will work best. Knowing the "graph data" for different species can help in that design process (ie, if a particular coral colors/grows best under less light... put it lower in your tank, or in an outlying area)
I think alot of people are taking the information last night as too straight forward. Nothing is cut and dry in this hobby... do your research and learn how coral "placement" is important in lighting/design of your systems.
Id agree with that T...The first day I put that sunpod on my 24 I thought WOW,,,everything brightened up but it was like a bright I mean BRIGHT light was going on...The reason I went with the Sunpod was the idea of 150watts and a 14k bulb. I thought it would give me "the look" I know, the bluish type tint. Instead it was Bright flash city
I noticed that everyone seems to be running MH and T5s or VHOs. Why is that? Do the T5s and VHOs do something special that the MHs can not? Right know I'm just running MH and don't know if I should supplement with T5s or VHOs. If I should supplement, which one do I choose (T5s or VHOs)?
i have t5 with my mh but thats so the t5 can turn on first and not give out the blast thaat a mh does all day long it also gives out that actinic look people want in the tank could also use it for a 24 hour light cycle
Does having a blast of light negatively affect the corals and should they have time to wind down with the MH going of first and then the T5s?
well all it does is does something like a sunset to sunrise affect which is more natural even though your doing it at a lot faster pace not if you get the led i think they are alot more natural in that aspect because the are programed to dim and intensify
Maybe Ill find someone to switch out their t5's or VHOs with my Sunpod for 30 that sufficient time?

Anyone like to experiment let me Sunpod is a 20" 150w 14k's
