Little help?


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I just bought a perc, royal gramma, sea cucumber, and a gbta. Any advice about one of them would be great. It would be really helpful to get some expert advice about the bta. Thank you!
What do you want to know? What lighting do you have? Tank size? Sea cukes can be troublesome if they die. royal grammas can be really aggressive. I assume you have lighting that can support the BTA?
How long has your tank been set up? Are all your parameters stable? Did you buy the stock from a LFS or a private seller?
All my parameters are stable I got the stuff from pure reef and my tank has been up since early January

Edit: The bta seems to like to move around a lot, how do I get him to stay in place. Also what's wrong with the sea cucumbers if they die? Finally im not to concerned about the gramma because he seems very shy.
Some cukes are toxic if they are picked on or die. Holothuria species are harmless if they eviscerate, although it makes a bit of a sticky mess.

I've never known a Royal Gramma to be aggressive, but it's funny when they feel threatened they open their mouths up really wide - as if they are screaming at their intimidator.

The perc may or may not take to the anemone. Don't be surprised if it deflates completely for a bit - as it "changes water" to match your tank.

The cuke is a sand sifter and the anemone is completely inflated but moved to under a rock. How do I get the anenome to stay in place, also if the clown is not interested is there a way to make it host?
mahimahi;658282 wrote: The cuke is a sand sifter and the anemone is completely inflated but moved to under a rock. How do I get the anenome to stay in place, also if the clown is not interested is there a way to make it host?

As long as you have the lights to support the nem. It will stop moving around as soon as it fines a place that it likes. It not uncommon for a nem to move about for awhile. For for the clowns hosting the nem. If they don't host then there's not much you can do about it. Some people say put them both in a basket until they host or put a picture if a clown hosting a nem by your tank and cross your fingers. I've tried the picture part but it didn't work. I've also heard of clowns that die when people try to force it to host the nem by putting it in a basket so I never tried that.

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It really all depends. The nem gets a lot of it's energy from the lights so feeding is just a plus. I've had a GBTA before and never feed it. Now with my RBTA, I feed it about twice a week with a whole piece of silverside.
A BTA does use light but it does need food, whether it's spot fed or manages to catch food on its own. I read a study once (never could find the link again) where it was determined that one can do fine in substandard light, but with supplemental feeding, but it won't do well with light alone and no supplemental feeding.

Lots of people do not spot feed, but the anemone can catch food when the fish are fed.

We spot feed with krill or silverside a couple of times a week.

Other than the food it catches on it's own, I never feed my nems except for the Fuel supplement I give them every 3 days. As far as the clowns hosting, I have a mated pair of false percs and I had a nem in the tank for 7 months and they never hosted it. One day, I had to move my rocks around and the nem ended up in a different location and that very night, I found both percs in the nem. Go figure.
I have had luck trying to trick my anemones into staying put. I place them where I want them then feed feed feed. This does not always work but sometime you may get lucky a the anemone will stay in place for food.
that RBTA is gonna do whatever it wants... (watch your powerheads.. they EAT nems)

I bought a package of silversides and then chopped them all up into thirds..

about once a week I feed my GBTA and my RBTA... the GBTA is about 14" across when open.. the RBTA is about 3" across...
mahimahi;658305 wrote: How often should I feed the nem and what should I feed?

It sounds like you are going to be A-OK...but, I would have asked all these questions before purchasing the animals. Not after the fact...

Welcome to the club, you'll get great advice from the folks around here!