Looking for Expo Volunteers!

Hello everyone.

It has fallen to me to sadly announce that we will not be having our expo this September. Unfortunately, due to Covid concerns, this simply can't be a reality.

We are trying to plan to have an expo in the spring of next year. We will definitely keep you all in the loop with our plans.

I'm very sorry to have to be the one to report this sad news. I, like a lot of folks here, miss our meetings and I miss our in-person chats and I miss our camaraderie. However, the health and safety of our members must be, and is, our highest concern as leaders of this club. We will attempt to start in-person meetings back up once the pandemic climate has calmed down a bit. We simply can't risk it at this point.

I would love nothing more than a massive expo/frag swap with y'all. We just can't. I really hope y'all understand. Please feel free to message or call with any concerns.

Thanks all, and have an awesome day!
Thank you for letting us know @aestheticlibra, Assumed this would be pushed back to next year. Hopefully, the vaccines/quick testing/and pandemic control will be in place for a great Spring Expo! As much as I miss seeing everyone, miss the in person meetings, and continue to suffer from frag-withdrawal, I too prefer for everyone to stay safe and wait to have a great meeting next spring. Thank you for caring about all of us!
you're such a party pooper shawn....xp

in the meantime, you should hold a private expo at your place to make up for the bearer of bad news.

We might be consoled a little by cherry picking some frags