looking for some guidence


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OK guys, so i have a 110gal FOWLR tank or it will be when i finish. I currently have a dog face puffer and a clown. My question is what can i add to the tank that will help eat or clean some of the detritus off my rocks. Or should i just regularly take the rocks out rinse then and replace them back in the tank?
If you've got detritus on the your rocks then your gonna want more flow and better skimmer to remove everything.
i do have a powerjet in the tank but i have it near the top of the tank should i lower it to rock level? as far as the blenny i have live sand and crushed coral mix as on the bottom? will the blenny be able to chew the sand as well without choking on the crused coral?
the dog face puffer will it the snails and crabs wont him? i would love to get some crabs and snails but i dont want to pay for doggies dinner the expensive way
How many powerhead do you have and how many gallons per hour do they do?
wow... no clue.. one power head... in the tank.. and a large outdoor pond pump in the sump doing all the other work - and i have the return "T ed " off in the tank to return the way in two directions since the predrilled holes are just off center
You need a lot more flow! Minimum of 10x you tank. more like 12-15 since you not doing coral. So your looking at 1100 to 1650. I'd split it between 3 powerheads like moded maxi-jets, korila, tunze, or vortech. The last 2 being the more expensive.
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495147=23317-2010-04-09 23.20.54.jpg
class="gc-images" title="2010-04-09 23.20.54.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:400px" /></a> ok i went and took some pics.. and looked at the pump and power head
the pump is a 115 v utility 9.5 pump and is underwater so i can so anything else... the power head is a maxi-jet 1200... i did however lower it and moved it around the tank blowing off the rocks... omg what a clould storm i created... i have a protein skimmer which is part of the sump its self and i had a question about it... when i first started it it was filling up a water bottle in a few mins... and i adjusted the amount of air to slow it down and it did, infact the water in the bottle was a very nasty smelling green water that just barely trickled to into the water bottom... however i want to make it work a little faster and i cant seem to get it to bubble up like before ... i took a picture of the air intake so maybe you guys can advise me...
ok i have no problem adding more power heads if that is what i need... still intrested in finding out more about the protien skimmer, how to figure out what my sump pump is pushing, and if snail and crabs are safe with dog and porky pine puffers
I don't know that skimmer, but the best thing to do is to slowly adjust the valve until the big chamber is white with bubbles.

If I were you I wouldn't keep that one for long. I'd look at the reef octopus line they are good and reliable skimmers.
ok now i have a reef octopus and an additional powerhead... but i have a setup question... i removed the crappy old skimmer and added the octopus but i am running into space issues. the sump is 15 inches high on one side and 13 on the other.. the 15 side is the side that the water from the fish tank dumps into, the 13 side is the side that the water returns back to the fish tank. Does it matter what side the skimmer is on... it wont fit on the fit 15 side because the clean water from the skimmer pipe is too low. Sadly i pvc glued the pipes before i thought about measuring. I have tried to raise the whole skimmer with cut pieces of 2x4 but then i hit the bottom of the fish tank... any ideas
A turkey baster can blast stuff off the rocks at cleaning time cheap and effective but i agree you need more flow too.
Which octopus model did you get? And can I see a pic of the whole sump?
the sump is a 3 section sump... the old simmer was on the left side..
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That is a sweet skimmer you'll like it. I'd put the rio in the first section with some vinyl tubing to the barb fitting, and have it returning back the same area if space permits.
that is my problem the first section is 15 inches high... the thrid section is 13 inches high... i cant use the 15 inch side becuase of the height isses.. will it still work ok on the 13 inch side? that is also the side with that the water is returning to the tank at?
Ohh now i see the problem. I'd return it to the 13in section if the pipe will reach
so set it up on the 13 to draw and return to the 13 inch side or draw from the 13 and return to the 15 inch side