Lots of questions

<span>If you are looking for a lot of info I can recommend these sites:


They are the FW Plant tank version of us! If you are looking for some plants I've got a ton.( 55 gal plant tank full). I recommend trying the "foreground" (low growing, but spreaders) such as:
- Lilaeopsis </span>
<span> -Dwarf Baby Tears (Hemianthus callitrichoides)-I don't know where they get dwarf babies from.

Oh if you want I've got a tank ful of cherry shrimp if you want want- great scavengers and they go after hair algae.

For now, because it is such a small tank and hard to get your hands in, we are going to stay away from plants. Maybe put a couple of small fake ones until it gets stable for a few months. They we may add a couple of plants.

As for the shrimp, I will take you up on that in a month or two. I want to be sure it is good and stable with the fish before I go to crazy with it. Being that small, I am not yet sure how it will react.