MACNA Aquatics Expo- ARC Volunteers needed!

Hey guys can you purchase tickets at the place or you have to purchase tickets online?
same here - might have missed something but need to know where and when they need/want us
I got an email saying if you're going to be there in the morning, get there at 8am and find Doug Author, the volunteer coordinator, who will tell you where to go.
Who's ready? I'm pumped! This will be my first fish expo ever, so I'm really looking forward to it. If anyone sees any fancy Cynarina, leave them for me!!!!:p
Hi Volunteers,

It has come to my attention that the emails sent out were not received. We are in full setup on the exhibit floor today and there is a need for volunteers to help the exhibitors. If you can come to the GICC and help, we are ready to get you setup for the weekend and have your volunteer shirts ready. I have attached one of the emails I sent below.

The hours we will need volunteers on site are:

Friday 8 am until the event floor is completed
Saturday 8 am until the exhibit floor is cleared (closes at 5 pm)
Sunday 8 am until the exhibit floor is broken down.

Thanks for volunteering and helping MASNA.


Hello MACNA Aquatic Expo Volunteers! We are very excited to kick off the event this coming weekend. The Volunteer Coordinator's name is Doug Athur. Upon arrival at the Georgia International Convention Center, Atlanta, GA, please check-in at the registration desk to get credentials and a t-shirt. Doug will be camped out in the water section on the exhibit floor throughout the event and will provide tasks needed throughout the event.

The area we need volunteers are:
Attendee Guides (Saturday and Sunday)

Attendee Bag Stuffing (Friday)

Badge/Wristband Checkers (Saturday and Sunday)

Exhibit Floor
(Friday, Saturday and Sunday)

(Friday, Saturday and Sunday)

(Saturday and Sunday)

(Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday)

The hours we will need volunteers on site are:

Thursday now until approximately 8 pm
Friday 8 am until the event floor is completed
Saturday 8 am until the exhibit floor is cleared (closes at 5 pm)
Sunday 8 am until the exhibit floor is broken down.

For questions, concerns, and changes, please email

We are very grateful for your volunteering!

Tom Lisciandra
Vice President of the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America (MASNA)
Voulenteered Thursday night heading back today I had so much fun Thursday. From what I saw pre opening there should be some cool stuff to check out. Let's help make macna feel welcome here and show support any way we can. I don't want to have to drive to another state to see this stuff at this level
Voulenteered Thursday night heading back today I had so much fun Thursday. From what I saw pre opening there should be some cool stuff to check out. Let's help make macna feel welcome here and show support any way we can. I don't want to have to drive to another state to see this stuff at this level
Thank you for your kind words!
We're open and the first speaker, Dr Sanjay Joshi starts in 45 minutes!
The first 500 people in the door on Saturday and Sunday will receive a Fluval tote bag and an Aquatic Expo hat from! Thank you to both companies for their support!


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It is time for the MACNA Aquatic Expo!
Our ticket booths will open at 8am. MASNA members will be able to enter the show floor at 9am, and the general public at 10am.
Tickets are available at the show, if you pre-purchased tickets please have your QR code ready for the check-in booth.
The Expo floor is open from 10am - 5pm, raffles are at 12pm and 5pm.
Today's speaker are: 11am Dr. Sanjay Joshi, 2pm Dana Riddle, 3pm Sumer Tiwari, and 4pm Felicia McCaulley.
Thank you to Biota Aquariums for being our show sponsor!


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Thank you so much for all your help and support so far!


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