
Ocellaris clowns, especially tank raised ones can be difficult to get into a nem. Give them time.
My nems hate pellet foods, but go absolutely nuts for frozen/fresh. I believe it's important to feed nems, otherwise why would they need such strong predatory tools? In the wild, all sorts of nems (especially mags) catch fish, crabs, squid, and anything else that comes too close. Especially for a nem that's recovering from shipment, that extra protein is important.
Dr Mac is an interesting guy. His setup is so ideal that he rarely encounters issues, so a lot of his advice doesn't like up with our own hobbyist tanks.
I'm personally of the no meds unless necessary group. I have not done a full treatment on Kermit, but I have fed him fish with Amox and Cipro pills stuffed inside to good results. The long exposure to low concentrations is what breeds resistances IME.

Did nemos have any nice starfish? I'm looking to add to my collection haha.
Not sure about the starfish. How do you keep them alive? I've read that their similar to sand sifting gobies and will starve themselves in no time...
Not sure about the starfish. How do you keep them alive? I've read that their similar to sand sifting gobies and will starve themselves in no time...
Depends on the species. Most Linckia species will eat microfauna like tunicates and Asterina stars; these are the species I keep. Fromia have unknown diets but have been found to eat the same. Some tile/cushion stars will eat thawed frozen food, though they specialize in sponges for the most part (have one of these too). For most people, they are a horrible choice because tanks under 100g and 2yrs old just don't have enough microfauna to sustain their grazing.
To be clear; stars are not a good choice for really anyone. I'm trying to find what keeps them alive long term, so I get them when I can and feed them any weird garbage I can find. So far, only two casualties caused by crashes.
Excited Ric Flair GIF
Still looking full and inflated. I’ve fed it pieces of squid/shrimp from my homemade frozen blend.
Interestingly it did move down the rockwork a few days ago but has not moved since. I believe due to the powerhead blasting it’s foot when it was on the top shelf

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Both CSBs crawled into a dark area which I’m not thrilled about but they are still extending. I’ve got carbon in a media bag in the sump. I’ve also upped the nori feeding for the tangs just in case.

Clowns continue to ignore the magnifica
So 3 weeks in and the clowns are still ignoring the nem...I'm gonna print a photo of nems hosting clowns and tape it to the glass.
It sounds stupid as f*ck but I've read some people have tried with mixed success.


Also of note - CSBs have partially crawled out of their respective caves and are about 50% in the light during the we have some good news at least.
I’ve used flashlight trick in the past with good luck. Basically make the room pitch dark and shine the light onto the anemone. Your clowns might take interest. I had pair of clown fishes travel 4feet cross over two nights. I taped the led on the glass because I got tired of holding it. It worked. I will do this in the future for my tank if they don’t bond naturally.
Allow me to hijack the thread with a pic of Kermit; he's grown and easy 20% under the T5s! Lost my female WC skunk, so I need to get a new lady before my guy transitions.
I’ve used flashlight trick in the past with good luck. Basically make the room pitch dark and shine the light onto the anemone. Your clowns might take interest. I had pair of clown fishes travel 4feet cross over two nights. I taped the led on the glass because I got tired of holding it. It worked. I will do this in the future for my tank if they don’t bond naturally.

I've heard of that method for collecting newly hatched fry, but not to showcase the anemone. Give it a shot!
Not sure if this has been mentioned, a few of these (Magnificia) are at Nemo's for sale right now. Or last week at least...
Allow me to hijack the thread with a pic of Kermit; he's grown and easy 20% under the T5s! Lost my female WC skunk, so I need to get a new lady before my guy transitions.
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What color is your mag? I am terrible at looking at colors in white much so I bought what I thought was a yellow octospawn last week which was 100% green when i put it in my tank :rolleyes:
What color is your mag? I am terrible at looking at colors in white much so I bought what I thought was a yellow octospawn last week which was 100% green when i put it in my tank :rolleyes:
That bites... I have a similar problem, I bought a fire orange hammer and it's teal under my whites.
Kermit is an entirely different creature under blues. I don't have any pics, but when I first got him he looked like a gigantic Rasta torch, so black tentacles with a green base. After a month or two he lightened, but kept the golden green tips. Under whites, his tips have somehow turned pink and I don't know how, but I like it.