Making waves with Vortechs! Videos.


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Is there such a thing as a perfect flow solution? In my humble opinion... no.

I spent the better part of a year trying to figure out the best way to create the flow I wanted in my tank. I planned and rejected many closed loop ideas that included OM devices of various sorts. I also tried, a simple closed loop, maximods, tunze streams and nanos, sometimes on timers. I can't say I was happy with any of these. After having seen SuaSati's tank though with his wavebox, I knew I wanted to have the same sort of wave action in my tank. Watching your corals just sway left and right in the water is just mesmerizing and it seems so natural...

Here's a brief overview of the flow options I tried and discarded and why:

Closed loops I threw out because they are basically a relic of the past. They are the most inefficient method of moving water in your tank. Why? Because they use more energy and generate more heat to move the same amount of water as an equally rated powerhead. The advantage of course is that you get a cleaner look, which is a big plus. However, the only reliable way to get variable flow on them is an OM device, and you can't make a wave pattern with them. Maintenence is also a bit unwieldy and plumbing a closed loop for most tanks is a nightmare.

As for Tunzes, I hated how large the tunze streams were. I loved the flow I got with them, but they were aesthetically very unappealing and the stream was a bit too narrow as any coral in its path would suffer. The tunze nanos were much more attractive, but the construction of them was poor. Some of them were noisy, some of them would break easily. I had to return 2 of my nano streams for new ones. Fortunately, tunze has a great warranty service. Now I could of gone with the tunzes and gotten a controller for them... but even with a controller I wouldn't get the kind of flow I was looking for. What I wanted was some wave action. So Yah I could of went with a tunze wavebox... but you still need powerheads with a wavebox.

Maximod maxijets. I used these for quite a while, and found that they would break down with regularity and required new nylon washers every other month or so to work smoothly and quietly. They work very poorly on timers, as the constant turning on/off breaks them down even faster. They are the poor man's tunze, but with the tunze nanos and koralias out now they seem irrelevant.

Ecotech Vortechs. This is currently what I have in my system. They are neat devices where the motor portion stays outside of the tank. As such, you get very little heat transfer to your tank. They are DC powered so you can manually adjust the flow from 100 gph to 3000 gph. You can also purchase an optional battery pack made by IceCap that will power the pumps for 30 hours in case of power failure. The best part though are the wireless drivers. This enables the pumps to talk to each other wirelessly without the use of a central controller. The new drivers have many options for the type of flow you want in your tank... I chose to put one pump on each end of my 5' tank and have the slave pump set to anti-synch so that it would pulse opposite of the master pump. By adjusting the rate of the pulsing you get wave action in the tank.

Anyways, without further ado here are a few links to some really POOR quality vids. Note that I haven't tuned the vortechs in completely in these vids. At the time that I took these vids, I was still experimenting. The single wave I get now is much cleaner. I've also been able to get double standing waves to some degree. The pumps are outputting only at ~50% power in the vids. At 100% the water starts to slosh around too much! They are on pulse mode ~2.2 seconds with the slave pump on anti-synch from the master."></a>

I have considered these numerous times but I hear a lot of people complain of the noise when it is running full out. What are your thoughts and experiences with noise?
I'm a bit of a noise nazi. When my cabinet doors are closed you basically can't hear anything at all. So selecting a quiet powerhead was important. I decided though to just allow for some noise and get these pumps. They are audible, but in most systems they will not dominate the noise pollution.

One of the pita is that you have to have them aligned perfectly. If you don't they will make a lot of noise. I don't run mine at full tilt since my tank can't handle that much flow, but it is not unbearable to me at 3000 gph. At night time I switch from pulse to reef crest or lagoon mode. These are much quieter and provide a more gentle flow for the fish to sleep :).
May I ask a question? I have a lot of flow but nothing that looVs like a wave motion. Its the 54 corner..I have koralia 3's that I know I cant use on a wave maker...Whats the benefits of doing a wave maker? And am I doing a diservice to my tank and livestock?
jin that great and your tank is beautiful i love the colors your tank has with the black sand two thumbs up
Vic - Thanks for the props!

Russ - wave motion devices are a bit of a misnomer. They are simply timers that will turn pumps on and off. They don't create actual waves, but they do create multi-directional flow, which is a good thing. To be honest, the type of flow in my tank is not required for healthy corals or a happy tank. There are different schools of thought on what type of flow is the best. Some people like random flow, some people like alternating linear surges, some people like wave patterns. I prefer the wave patterns that you get with the tunze wavebox and the vortechs simply because there is no deadspot in the tank, the corals get hit with water from all sides all the time and **** it looks cool! :)

Is it necessary? Nah. I had a single tunze stream in my tank for 6 months or so without any timers. It did a fantastic job all by itself. So stick with the koralias, they're good pumps and move plenty of water.
Thanks Jin...looVs cool, and I understand it helps the tissue of the corals by Veeping water flowing..just something I dont think I can get wife to go for atm :)

Looks awesome though!
Nice Jin.... I was looking at those especially with the battery pack..... think it will work on a 3/4" acrylic walls?
jin how much for the wireless controllers and backup batteries for two of them might go this route
Yah I think it will. They're supposed to work up to 1" thick walls. If you want I can bring it over next time I swing by and you can try it out for yourself on your monster tank.
Victor - all the new Vortechs which are going to be labeled as MP-40w, are wireless. They don't sell the non-wireless versions anymore, well at least they don't make them anymore... These are pretty darned expensive, but its one of the only 2 ways on the market right now to get these simulated waves.
I have been fascinated by these for a while now. Thanks for sharing the your experience.

Have you seen the mod for hooking these up to a Neptune Controller?"></a>

The first part is for the original driver. The link to the wireless driver mod is on the last page. Giovanni is a great guy if you have any questions.
FutureInterest;98880 wrote: Yah I think it will. They're supposed to work up to 1" thick walls. If you want I can bring it over next time I swing by and you can try it out for yourself on your monster tank.

That would be very helpful.... I really wanted to get something with battery life after my last fiasco with the breaker so this would be a great option if it works flawlessly... I also need to show you my daily routine to help my buddy out when I am gone, it is creeping up real fast... just a couple of months to go..
Victor626nj;98879 wrote: jin how much for the wireless controllers and backup batteries for two of them might go this route

$420/pump, $150 for the battery pack. (30hr life for one pump, 15hr life for two and so forth)
IMO, wave flow is vastly superior to most other forms of flow in our tanks. With flow you a couple things pop up as high priority. One is a consistent two sided flow. IMO for good coral growth and health, the coral should see flow equally on both sides. Second is speed in an SPS tank. Wave systems that "rock" the tank have been shown in research done to provide a large increase in flow due to the surface water moving much easier and thus faster coupled with a gravity effect. Basically water flows from one side of the tank to the other, down the side to the bottom, across the bottom and back up the other side. Gravity simply pushes the water column down the one side. Another big benefit of wave flow is a highly turbulent surface which increases gas exchange.

The wave effect is just hard to beat when it comes to flow.
We just got two of the MP-40w's with the wireless controllers in yesterday! Havent had time to play with it yet, but the flow in reef-crest makes the four maxi-mods that were on there look silly. These units produce an unbelievably soft current and I'm looking forward to getting these things to make some waves. I still have my four maxi-mods and a red sea wavemaker, I was thinking of keeping it on there but I'm not sure if it will affect my ability to produce waves?? Also I am a little worried now about making the waves after seeing the warning in there manual about making waves "At my own Risk" and at the risk of the aquarium's structural integrity. Also I've been concerned that the waves will go over my center brace since water already touches it sometimes. Will it effect my overflow or make me need a lower water level? I'm kinda confused if you guys who have one could lead me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
Well done Jin. I agree with many stated here that wave form is mah-velous. The only (big) issue I have is seeing the chop actually give me a bit of vertigo.
Pandabear - Gratzi. The wave I have now is a lil bit slower. It mezmerises me, but I can see how some might feel otherwise. I wonder if fish get sea sick?

Patrick - If you want a wave pattern you're going to want to remove those maxi-mods as they will counteract your vortech's efforts. If on the other hand you just want additional flow by adding the vortechs then just keep them in there.

John - Thanks for the link. I've talked to Giovanni, and he's actually selling his aquasurfed vortech drivers as the new wireless drivers give you all the functionality you need and more. I considered doing this with my vortechs before the wireless drivers were out but I didn't want to void the warranty.

Anand - pm sent!