Making waves with Vortechs! Videos.

Jin, that is very cool. These are high on my list of options for my new tank and I have some of the same questions as above. Can you control the action at the surface? Did you see an increase in evaporation? Any chance of it overflowing the overflow or sides? I think I would like to have them but I'm not sure about having that much action at the surface.
Sorry, another question! How high are your lights from the surface and are you getting any splash/salt creep hitting your reflectors?
Budsreef;98944 wrote: Jin, that is very cool. These are high on my list of options for my new tank and I have some of the same questions as above. Can you control the action at the surface? Did you see an increase in evaporation? Any chance of it overflowing the overflow or sides? I think I would like to have them but I'm not sure about having that much action at the surface.

Bud--you can't control the direction on the Vortech's, but you can move the pump deeper into the tank to limit the surface action (even a couple of inches makes a big difference) and you can control the speed of the pump. I have mine (I have the old one w/o the wireless driver) set to about 30-40%% in my 175. It's in one end of the tank and because of deflection by the center overflow most of the flow is in that end of the tank. I'll be adding another (and a wireless driver to the existing one) when the budget...allows.;)
Bud - as George has mentioned you can indeed limit your surface action, that is assuming you are simply using the vortechs for simple flow. If you are using the vortechs to create waves though you will find a lot of surface action which is inherent to making waves :). I've always kept my surface very agitated anyways, so there is no change in evaporation as far as I can tell. As for splash, yes there is more splash with this much surface agitation. I just have to deal with it by cleaning my reflectors more frequently.
Thanks George and Jin. This is probably the way I'll go but making them do tide action without the wave action.
One more query- one of the pseudo-criticisms of the Tunze wavebox is that it would prematurely age the tank, and bust the seams. I dont know if this has ever really ahppened, or is just an old-wives tales, but has there been any chatter about this being a concerns with these pumps and this programming?
I would guess it does weaken the tank somewhat but I would be shocked if it was substantial enough to be measured statistically. You could make a similar arguement for any flow device really as those put pressure on one side of the tank more than another.
Jin - I absolutely love my Vortech. As far noise that ain't none unless it is cranked all the way up and I don't run it at 3000 GPH. As far as water movement, not only do I get a lot of surface agitation, I can see a circular water movement in the tank. This thing moves a lot of water.

The Wireless controler is the first item on my Christmas list. I pointed it out to my wife 3 x already. I told her needs to order it right away before the Christmas rush. :D

Bud - Since we're neighbors come over whenever and take a look at mine in action.
Cameron;99034 wrote: I would guess it does weaken the tank somewhat but I would be shocked if it was substantial enough to be measured statistically. You could make a similar arguement for any flow device really as those put pressure on one side of the tank more than another.

From what Ive heard its just the rhythmic cycling, not the uneven load. But I am beginning to think more urban legend, as Jin mentioned.
Thanks for the thread Jin, I now understand more about wave action in a tank. Good read!
this may be a dumb question, and I may have skipped over it in reading the thread, but if you have a controller such as the ACjr or the ACIII or RKII or whatever, do you want these Vortex pumps to be hooked up to the controllers?

Or can you program the wireless controller they come with to auomate them?

At one point Jin said that at night he has them set to a more gentle mode. Do you do that manually or is that whole process automated?

Thanks.....and great video.
Dakota;98884 wrote: I have been fascinated by these for a while now. Thanks for sharing the your experience.

Have you seen the mod for hooking these up to a Neptune Controller?"></a>

The first part is for the original driver. The link to the wireless driver mod is on the last page. Giovanni is a great guy if you have any questions.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=][B]Jgoal55;99906 wrote:[/B] this may be a dumb question, and I may have skipped over it in reading the thread, but if you have a controller such as the ACjr or the ACIII or RKII or whatever, do you want these Vortex pumps to be hooked up to the controllers?

Or can you program the wireless controller they come with to auomate them?

At one point Jin said that at night he has them set to a more gentle mode. Do you do that manually or is that whole process automated?

Thanks.....and great video.[/QUOTE]

here you go.
thanks blind......

But i am alos wondering why you want to do this or if it is even necessary to set it up like Jin set it up?
Big D;99973 wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Sweeeeet!!! How am I going to convince my wife that these are only $25 like everything else on my tank? :doh: </span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">David</span>

Tell it is $25/month... and not tell how many months....
David - I didn't adjust my water level at all. My waterline is always right below my canopy as my canopy basically "rests" on top of the tank. Instead I just adjusted the wave height to match my tank. I have 1" clearance and with the vortechs at around ~75% the wave is ~3/4". Not much room, but I think there's enough :). Granted its an acrylic tank so there is 3" bracing all around the rim to catch any stray water slosh.

jgoal - The new wireless drivers do have a lil port that is supposed to allow it to be hooked up to "something". For the time being I just adjust it at night manually. Its just a matter of pressing a button. From my understanding they are developing that "something" which is supposed to allow it to connect to controllers.
cool...thanks Jin.....this sounds like a very interesting option....definitley something to keep in mind for that one day when I set up a nice big reef tank.
Thanks Rit, welcome to the Vortech family lol.

Jgoal - just wait there are many more interesting flow options coming out in the near future.
Here's another vortech vid.
