Member Status Question


Active Member
Reaction score
I just noticed that it no longer says "Arc Member" by my posts. Also my PM threshold dropped down to 50 today. Is it dues time?
Yeah... You should of received an email to notify you that your membership was about to expire. The forums automatically adjust your status according to the database. Once you renew your membership, the logo and other benefits will be out back in place...

As a matter of fact, I need do this too! What kind of president isn't even a member!?!?
Hmm, well I am an ARC member but my info has never post me as a member? Do I need to do something for that?
I did it through the new memeber link. It looks like I'm a memeber again. I didn't think I would have to manually pay the membership fee again since it tell you that is would automatically renew.

I dont show as a member either, and have been one since February 2006. What do I have to do?
Darren24, Cdub and jhallewell, I've updated your profiles and membership info so you're now properly setup.
