moebious' 55 gallon build

moebious;560358 wrote:" alt="" />[/QUOTE]

I like your setup...looks good. Your sump is almost all the way full....have you turned the pump off and let it drain down yet? The sump needs to be able to contain all the drain down water in a no power type situaton or you will get a flood.

Also, if I am not mistaken, you are running an MRC Beckett skimmer, correct. You need a way to turn the skimmer off in case you overskim, which is very possible. If you overskim, and you are not there to catch it, your skimmer can completely fill your waste container and flood your stand. A float switch incorporated onto your waste collector and hooked to your controller so in case you overskim, it turns off the skimmer pump, would be a good thing.
He is correct. My sump is this full with everything turned off and drained down, This may save a mess in the future. I turn off all my pumps when i feed and the fish can really eat everything which also helps keep things clean. I like the nice and neat look too!!
I wonder if the fuge baffle may be a lil too high?, never mind i see it is drilled all the way down. That stand is tight wish i could just remove my front. Good work buddy!!
Acroholic;560371 wrote: I like your setup...looks good. Your sump is almost all the way full....have you turned the pump off and let it drain down yet? The sump needs to be able to contain all the drain down water in a no power type situaton or you will get a flood.

Check this out. I have the return nozzles adjusted so there is no siphon; only the water that is left in the tube goes back down to the sump. Since the bulkheads are under water i couldn't do the "drill a hole" trick. After reading your post i went to doublecheck and turned everything off again and it fills up slap full. I will lower the ATO floatswitch a little just to safe. Thanks. Good call. I will also look into the floatswitch for the waste collector. If i get the SW5 i can also put a floatswitch inside the overflow box. If the tank overflows i can have the return pump shut off. I can't wait for the controller to get here. It's going to be like Christmas.
moebious;560414 said:
Check this out. I have the return nozzles adjusted so there is no siphon; only the water that is left in the tube goes back down to the sump. Since the bulkheads are under water i couldn't do the "drill a hole" trick. After reading your post i went to doublecheck and turned everything off again and it fills up slap full. I will lower the ATO floatswitch a little just to safe. Thanks. Good call. I will also look into the floatswitch for the waste collector. If i get the SW5 i can also put a floatswitch inside the overflow box. If the tank overflows i can have the return pump shut off. I can't wait for the controller to get here. It's going to be like Christmas.

Glad to help. The only reason I know this stuff is that it happened to me!:D