most-least aggressive clownfish


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what would be a good order to rank clownfish in order of aggression? im looking to add more than one pair in my 210g.
When researching seahorse tankmates I was told that True Percula Clownfish are the least aggressive, and to stay away from the Tomato and Maroon varieties due to their aggressive tendencies. This is by NO means an expert opinion, lol.
Yes Maroons BY FAR are the most agressive species. This is coming from experince Hence my Name. I have a True Percula pair and they are very nice and don't cause any problems. The least aggressive clownfish are either the Percula or the Ocellaris. They both have about the same aggresion.
Lenny wrote: When researching seahorse tankmates I was told that True Percula Clownfish are the least aggressive, and to stay away from the Tomato and Maroon varieties due to their aggressive tendencies. This is by NO means an expert opinion, lol.
i was told the exact same thing about tomatos and maroon's. I saw a 5"+ tomato clown the other day and it was simply stunning.
My friend that used to live here has a HUGE BEASTLY Maroon and the female is about 7 inches to 8 inches!!!! Of coures they kill anyhting else that comes in the tank. They even killed a Niger Trigger! The male is a little feler hes about 2 inches.
how about the skunks or the cinnamon, ive had clarkis and they are pretty mean too.
Sebaes? Isnt that an anenome? I'd go with the Black perks if you want something really cool.
Maroons15 wrote: Sebaes? Isnt that an anenome? I'd go with the Black perks if you want something really cool.

it is,but it also a fish. they resemble the clarki,but the smaller one i got has a unusual coloration.
Asebae.htm"><span style="color:
Oh ok i've seen that one in the book I have. I think they call it something else though. I would like to get a Great Barrier Reef Clownfish.
ocellaris supposedly remain a little calmer as they mature than true percs, but i wouldn't consider either of these friendly. skunks are far more docile as adults than the ocellaris/perc complex.

Lenny, i would reconsider clownes with seahorses, especially a pair of clowns. remember clowns are damsels!!!
A clown pair would be very aggressive. They have there own territory and will defend it.
I have a mated pair of ocellaris and a single black and white ocellaris in a 125g. They don't bother each other. They're not very large..just a few inches.
As you can see we all have had different experiences with clowns. It all depends on what kind like we went over and how big the tank is. I hope some of this helped. Let us know if you need anything else.