Mounting options for Aquatic Life 61-inch hybrid T5HO fixture


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Tank is 72 inches long, peninsula style. I currently use 3 AI Hydra 52s with the longest AI mounting system attached at each far end. I would like to incorporate those 3 AI Hydra 52s into a hybrid "bring your own LED" fixture, like the 61-inch Aquatic Life hybrid fixture.

Problem: I cannot hang from the ceiling. Must use mounting/rail system. Aquatic Life does not have a mounting system dedicated to this fixture. Is this completely a DIY project? Has anyone actually done this? Can I adapt the existing AI mounting system? Use some other brand? Or just abandon the dream of T5HO all together and stick with the AI Hydras? I am thinking that the mounts would need exceptional stability, given that they are spanning 6 feet of space on each end.

Aquatic life hybrids hang from two points. You can use the aquatic life mounting system from back or sides of tank. For a cleaner look, You could also use a pole mounting system like Reefbuilders uses over their peninsula tank and hang from two points off the pole over tank. Which is a more diy solution.
I have two of these in white that I am no longer using as my tanks were destroyed.
He has a peninsula tank... can’t use those options. I had the same issue on my tank. I got a hold of the previous mode of AI Light Rails and used that.


In addition to being $125, you will need to buy some sort of extrusion to mount to (ie- aluminum), so the cost will easily exceed $200. The reason I went with their hangers.

Besides having a peninsula and wanting to mount from the end(s).
Is this what you currently use? If so, why not just adapt it to hold the Aqua Illumination fixture?

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I had my rack made from Aluminum tubing that I got here.

While mine is still suspended they have options for attaching to the top of the aquarium. I sent the design in and they cut the tubing & supplied the connectors. I'm sure they can devise something to go from the tank wall to the hybrid rack.
Thanks all. Here is a photo of my setup, as is. I suppose I could adapt the AI mount to hold the fixture, but I am not sure how/whether that would work. Ideally would like a product that has this taken care of already.IMG_6307.jpg
And the trouble with the Giesemann brackets is that they say they are only good for up to 15mm, which is a bit thinner than my 3/4-inch glass. But Giesemann has different brackets for its aurora fixture that can go larger, but that is a different fixture...
I'd buy another set of mounts and a beam, just like you have.
Then position the two assemblies above the tank, similar to what you have now, but have both beams parallel to each other.
Then mount the Aquatic Life hybrid fixture to both parallel beams, like one big gantry. That should be very stable.
ichthyoid, that's a great idea!

Although now I am wondering if all the extra mess above the tank is worth the benefits of the T5HOs. I have repurposed two 50/50 Reefbrite LEDs to serve as "side" lighting to mitigate shadowing for 5 hours every day during highest intensity, much as the T5HOs would do. Any thoughts on whether growth or coloration will be that much better with the T5HOs?
Bottom line, I went with hybrid fixtures to help eliminate shadowing (same Aquatic Life brand, I’m just using 24 inch versions due to multiple tanks used in my build).

There are some compelling arguments made for using the T5’s, due to the diffuse characteristics of fluorescent lamps, as I imagine you are aware. Combined with LED’s, this is the current sweet spot in reef lighting.

That diffuse character helps to ensure more uniform light & random/natural coral growth. I’ve watched a BRS video which highlights this point graphically, which you might like to view, if you haven’t already.

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PS- You could also add those Reef Brite’s to the above gantry, should you go in that direction. With the depth of your tank, I would imagine that it could use some extra ‘punch’ from the extra LED’s.

Several have PAR/PUR meters, to help ensure your levels are correct, once built.

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