Moving Cichlids to a larger tank....


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So I have this 55 gallon tank that houses my cichlids right? Well I acquired a 75 gallon and I would like to move the cichlids into it. I have a small idea of how to do it, but honestly I am a bit discouraged on what to do. My biggest thing is that I want to move the 55 gallon from its current position and put the 75 gallon there. No idea how to do that. **** thing weighs about 450+! I'm thinking about going and getting a big trashcan from home depot and putting the 55 gallon water in it along with the live stock then transferring it back into the 75 once it is in place. Then....I dunno. Kinda need some assistance here lol.
Sounds to me like you have a good plan in place. I would have extra water all ready to go before you start. Make sure you pit a heater in the trash can to maintain temp while making the transfer. Because of the added water, the chemistry such as PH may change so I would acclimate the fish going in both directions just like I would when adding a new fish. For a short time frame it isn't overly important but if you can try to go with the Brute Food Safe trash can to be safe.

Good luck.
I am assuming you have gravel correct? If so, I would put it in some buckets and wash it well before reusing it. Get all the nasty stuff out.
If it is a sandy material I would stat with new but gravel should clean up nice.
It's not sandy at all. I am not sure why, but I never really liked the look of sandy substrate in a freshwater tank...
What kind of cichlids? When I had Africans I used pool filter sand and they loved it.

Your plan seems like a good one. Just make sure you get a good can that can hold the water.
• Find a suitable container to house the fish while switching out tanks. A large trash can like you mentioned will work, but I personally prefer the Totes containers available at Walmart because you can more easily put your filter on them.

• Move some (not all) of the water from the 55g into the temporary container and top off with fresh dechlorinated water. If your temp container is elevated, it will be easier to drain afterwards (siphon).

• Move the filter and heater into the temporary container. Be careful with the heater if your temp container is plastic.

• Now then, don't worry about the fish, they'll be fine in the temp container for however long you need them to stay in there while you focus on the switch out of tanks. I've done this several times and the fish were in temp container for many (6-8) hours.

• Swirl the substrate around in the old tank water to get the detritus suspended in the water column and then siphon off the rest of the old, dirty water. The substrate doesn't have to be sparkling clean, nor do you want it to be. A good bit of the beneficial bacteria is harbored in the substrate.

• Now you can move the 55g and put the 75g in it place and begin moving the substrate over, along with any other hardscape (rocks, wood, etc.)

• Now begin filling with clean, dechlorinated water and top it off with what's in the temp container after you move the fish, filter(s) and heater back in.

Hope this helps...what kind of Cichlids are you keeping?
I have mainly Mbuna cichlids but there's a few others in there. So mixed.

Edit: Well I did it. Took about 3-4 hours but I did it. Pics attached. :yay:

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Edit: Well I did it. Took about 3-4 hours but I did it. Pics attached. :yay:

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Dunno why that double posted my pictures... Anyways. It's been 24 hours and all is well.
Couple more photos of the setup.

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I started this tank about 7-8 months ago...I immediately wanted to go bigger but I couldn't find a decent price on a 75 gallon. Then this pretty much fell into my lap. Besides the small scratches, I'm in love and I'm sure my cichlids are too.
Update...The fish love this space of this tank. Also I have two yellow labs that are about to pop out some eggs. I had to get a QT so that the other fish would not eat em up.