Mp10 help


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I just bought a lightly used mp10qd it looks almost brand new and I put it on the tank and got it working but after a while it stalls. What could be cause of this? Do I need to do a hard reset or get a new dry side? The propeller spins free when I take the wet side off and spin it
maybe try doing a hard reset?
That might be what I need to do. I’ll give it a try some time next week, I messed with it a lot yesterday going through the settings and flow rates on the mobius app. It stalled probably 10min after I first put it on the tank and I did the soft reset and it ran fine and then quit some time in the night.
I took the whole thing apart. Wet side and dry side and cleaned in RO water and blow dried it all off and put it all together and it works. Hopefully it last
I had the same thing happen to me, but I found out the magnet on the wetside had started expanding. It had swollen to bulge just enough to stall it out.
I had the same thing happen to me, but I found out the magnet on the wetside had started expanding. It had swollen to bulge just enough to stall it out.
I might just go ahead and over the next couple weeks buy a new dry and wet side. It still sounds like it struggling to spin a bit, not smooth and quiet