My acro colony turning brown/burgandy?


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folks - I have had this colony for 3 months with no issues then all of a sudden the last 3 days it has lost alot of its bright green color. No idea what is going on by my other SPS are doing fine with good polyp extension. Fish are all doing good and acting normal.

I have had it in the top of my tank for over 2 months. thoughts on what could cause it to turn so fast?

I am going to get a picture in the next few minutes.
ACE - I haven't, been on the same schedule since I set the tank up almost 3.5 months ago.
Browning is sometimes symptomatic of a lighting issue but more commonly is symptomatic of a nutrient issue. What are you parameters at?
The ELOS light huh... It may have it's downfalls... Just a speculation, don't jump on me.
Steve;253442 wrote: The ELOS light huh... It may have it's downfalls... Just a speculation, don't jump on me.

Steve - I don't think that is it at all. the par reading at that level where the Acro sits is pretty high. I know at the top of the tank the par reading was 1596. My monitopora digitata are doing great! I had one piece that turned completely white as it fell down and got stung but now its back to bright orange and has great growth the last 30 days. My other SPS are doing great as well.....I am going to test my water now and will post the results shortly.
Steve;253442 wrote: The ELOS light huh... It may have it's downfalls... Just a speculation, don't jump on me.

But suddenly after 3 months? I dont think so. I would think a decline in the PAR or similar would happen gradually, unless something obviously burned out.

I agree with JIn, prob. a nutrient problem. Added any fish lately? You may need to start running GFO, feeding less,, doing more WCs, bigger skimmer, or some other form of nutrient removal.
FutureInterest;253420 wrote: Browning is sometimes symptomatic of a lighting issue but more commonly is symptomatic of a nutrient issue. What are you parameters at?

Here are my parameters:

temp - 80
SG - 1.026
NH3/4 - .5
Dk - 7
Ca - 450
NO2 - .02
NO3 - 15
pH - 8.3
po4 - .01
Mg - 1600
dkH is a little low, should be between 9-11. NO2 should be 0 (NO2 is nitrite right? I'm two years post chemistry... so forgive me)... did anything die recently?

And ammonia is NH3 right? Those are the only things that seem off. I'd do a 5 gallon water change...
If you are using SeaChem Reef Salt, your ALK is too low. Minimum 9. This accounts for the possible 2 parts borate ALK instead of carbonate ALK. Thats all I see. hummm.....additives?
yep No2 is nitrites. NH3/4 is ammonia. 5G seems like alot for a 20G, is that still safe?

Nothing has died at all in tank. My flame tip is doing good and fully open and getting it color back.
eh I do 10 on a 30. It's fine. You gotta get that stuff out though, none of that stuff is ever good...

It's only 25%, if you wanna get picky :tongue2:, do a 4 gallon change, that's 20%, just giving you a hard time Todd, no hard feelings.
Or you could a series of smaller changes over time. You def dont want ammonia.
mysterybox;253489 wrote: If you are using SeaChem Reef Salt, your ALK is too low. Minimum 9. This accounts for the possible 2 parts borate ALK instead of carbonate ALK. Thats all I see. hummm.....additives?

yea my ALK is normally in the 10 range so I am not sure how to raise that as all I have to dose is Mg and Ca. what do I do to raise the ALk?

I have been using instant ocean but switching to SeaChem tomorrow when I visit Chris at EA.

I use the Elos Omega and Pro Skimmer and just feed my fish and corals the Elos food as well.
Steve;253494 wrote: eh I do 10 on a 30. It's fine. You gotta get that stuff out though, none of that stuff is ever good...

It's only 25%, if you wanna get picky :tongue2:, do a 4 gallon change, that's 20%, just giving you a hard time Todd, no hard feelings.

LOL Steve, its all good buddy. I wasn't trying to be a **** to your response...LOL

I am still new to this whole thing so I ask alot of questions :).

Looks like I will be mixing up a nice big batch of water tomorrow.
Ah 5 gallons is nothing! Just make sure you get that ammonia and nitrate outta the system... Not too familiar with the ELOS products, but there should be something to raise alkalinity... but it also might be included in one of the other products, take a sample to Chris and get him to double check your test results.
A buffer will raise the alk. Like Seachem Reef Buffer or similar product. Or get fancy and cook some baking soda
I also noticed looking at the base of some of my corals and that burgandy color is at the base of those as well. Its not cyano, its like dusty looking, I guess this is coming from the omega and pro skimmer?