My acro colony turning brown/burgandy?

I think the acan was bleached when you got it. That's an unnatural color for an acan... albeit its beautiful in light pink :). It does look healthy though with good polyp extension so who knows...

That SPS colony does look like its dying though. I imagine it's a wild SPS colony? Those do have rather high mortality rates in home aquaria for various reasons and may not be related to you doing anything wrong or something being amiss. You may want to start fragging that guy as the base looks to be RTN'ing a lil in the pic as well...
mystery - I have the return pump turned all the way up plus I have the Tunze nano in there. I have a good bit of surface turbulence as well. the tunze is almost pointed in the direction of the acro colony.
Jin - It got the colony from EA so I dont think it is wild caught but I could be wrong.

Guess I will take a few pieces off the good side tonight so I can attempt to save it.
sailfish;253640 wrote: I never cook baking soda you can use it as it is.

I think but not sure the only reason to cook it is if your ph is low and you want to raise it along with the DKH.

Anyone feel free to correct me I don't want to pass along the wrong info.


u r correct
so would you all say its time to ditch the colony (throw it away?) and just get a couple frags off of it and try to save what I can?
I tend to agree with Charlie. Although I would definitely frag as much of it as possible.

G'luck man!
If that's the only coral looking bad then don't feel down about it either. All of us have lost SPS in the past. The wild even the maricultured stuff is generally not as forgiving as aquacultured frags.
Thanks Jin, I do feel sad but more confused on what caused this. that is what is hard sometime I assume in this hobby trying to figure out what caused something like then when the other corals, etc are doing just fine. Atleast now they are......
I would usually agree Jin about the acan but I saw it when it came in and it looked the same. It sat at Chris's for at least 3 to 4 weeks. He only has 150 watt hqi and the acan was at the bottom of the tank in indirect light. I was waiting to see if it changed color and it never did. Then Mr.Todd beat to buying it .

Forget what I just said it's bleached and the only way to save it is to give it to me. LOL

I'm a little late jumping in here but that colony is DRT (Dead Right There). Wild colonies can be tough to keep. They can decline pretty fast for a number of variables or reasons. That's why I try to buy SPS that come from aquariums.

Sometimes this hobby is a learning experience and a black hole. Sometimes you'll never know why corals kicked the bucket. Not all SPS need to be at the top of the tank and pounded with light.

BTW I hope the tri color is doing fine for you as I've been meaning to ask.
I just got done fragging 3 pieces off the side I didnt photograph as it still has the color and polyp extension so hopefully they will survive.

Doug - the tri-color is doing good so far!!
I just did a 5G water change today at 2pm and just tested my water about 10 minutes ago. Here are the new results.
Before 5G WC
temp - 80
SG - 1.026
NH3/4 - .5
Dk - 7
Ca - 450
NO2 - .02
NO3 - 15
pH - 8.3
po4 - .01
Mg - 1600

After 5G WC
temp - 81
SG - 1.025
NH3/4 - .5
Dk - 8.5
Ca - 400
NO2 - .02
NO3 - 10
pH - 8.3
po4 - 0
Mg - 1600

Guess I should do another 5G change in a few days? I just cannot figure out where the ammonia is coming from. Frustrating to say the least. I thought this 5G change would make more of an impact on the parameters.....
that might be your test kit. However, it still needs to be looked at. Yeah, another water change. Can you get someone to test your ammonia with a different kit to verify?
I need to go see Chris at EA to get my 2 new elos skimmer socks so I will take a sample and let him test it.
anything dead or dying besides coral? I would slow down on feeding, too. At least until you test it. Just feed like half. Water changes, too. just "in case".
nope nothing that I can see that is dead and the only coral that was doing bad was that Acro. Should I take the Acro out of the tank? I made 3 frags of the best pieces that still had color and polyp extension.
If I see no polyps, no color (bleached), and only algae, I would get it out of my tank.