My birthday present.

Thanks guys. I love the new fish, and I'm babying this achilles as much as humanly possible. He's already eating nori and PE mysis so I think he might make it if he keeps his appetite up. My only concern is that these fish are also very prone to ich. Ich is dormant in my tank but always flares up when I add a new fish. Having added 6... I may have made a cardinal mistake. :)

Russ - chocolate!
gorgeous fish Jin.....Happy Birthday. You should have told me when you were by here today. I would have set up some candles or something and made you drink a beer!!
Wow! Very nice Jin and Happy Birthday! I'm still adding and taking away from my stock list for the 120G and I think that flasher wrasse just went on the list.
FutureInterest;161508 wrote: Ich is dormant in my tank but always flares up when I add a new fish. Having added 6... I may have made a cardinal mistake. :)

Ich is in every tank my man, it all depends on what properly triggers it. And seeing how you have a heavy bioload, adding a single fish can be that trigger. I too go thu the same thing when I add fish. Hopefully it wont be too bad with those clowns. Which BTW, the female maroon was LIVID that I added them. Poor guys were minding their own business on the other side of the tank swimming in the frogspawn and FWAPPP! out biting comes the female maroon. All seems fine this morning, just a nipped fin on one. Mark, how do you do it?
happy b-day and nice fish! I love the tang. That will be my reason to go from my 65g to a i can have two tangs, my hippo and an achillies.
Thanks y'all. Quick update - everything is eating very well. The flashers and melanurus are eating like champs and looking very healthy.

The achilles though as predicted is starting to look very spotty. He's eating alright, but not enough for my taste. I'm a lil concerned that I added too many new fish to the tank at once... and that this ich outbreak might be a lil severe. Hopefully the remedies that have always worked in the past for me will prevail again.

No need to stress about possible future harm/worry though so for the moment I'll just enjoy watching the achilles and his new friends.

Thanks again.
Happy B-day Jin... fellow Taurus here!
Great tank...
Great new fish for the tank...
And a wife that helps make it happen?
You should kick back in front of your tank on your b-day and think "Life is good!"
FutureInterest;161734 wrote: Thanks y'all. Quick update - everything is eating very well. The flashers and melanurus are eating like champs and looking very healthy.

The achilles though as predicted is starting to look very spotty. He's eating alright, but not enough for my taste. I'm a lil concerned that I added too many new fish to the tank at once... and that this ich outbreak might be a lil severe. Hopefully the remedies that have always worked in the past for me will prevail again.

No need to stress about possible future harm/worry though so for the moment I'll just enjoy watching the achilles and his new friends.

Thanks again.

You could always bring it on over to my tank :)
Hope all goes well Jin, let me know if there is anything I can do.....tho we pretty much have the same remedies, lol.
Hope he gets well! They get mad, spotty, then fine. The Achilies cycle. LOL
Fat and happy. Ichy at times but more often clean and healthy. He is like a dog, he follws me around waiting for food. LOL
Mine is still scared of me :(. In fact the whole tank was scared of me today. Probably because I've been trying to trap those darn anthias!

The achilles is doing very well. He eats mysis, brine, and nori. Unfortunately he also likes to nip at my crocea clam. He doesn't touch the maxima but will nip the crocea... what's up with that?

The melanurus and blue flashers are doing great as well. I have yet to see the latter flash, which is dissapointing. On the bright side though my mckosker has never looked better as its constantly flashing these days.