My first coral


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Guy at the fish store said it was one of the easiest to keep alive!

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After glueing my fingers together a few times I was finally able to get it to stick to the rock.
Good luck. Just remember it's addicting one is never enough and once you start you can't stop
Seth if you want to make it over here again I can hook u up with # 2,3 and might be ever #4.
My wife just told me I better not ever try drugs even once. She said I'd be an addict after the first hit!
Lol, once you get one it snow balls from there. Brett and Marlon have some great stuff! Get some gsp. That was my first. Super easy as well. It's like a weed you really can't kill. Congrats on the new additions though! It is super exciting to watch them grow. Don't worry, it WILL be the first thing you check on the morning for a while :)
Fun stuff, congrats!

You must not have had your GLOVES on? Keep in mind that Polyps are the worst!! I highly recommend gloves for these if nothing else!
And the turbo snail knocked over the second coral.... It was the first thing I checked when u came down stairs :)

Gloves? Thought never even crossed my mind..... Don't worry Brett sufficiently freaked me out last night with enough horror stories to give be nightmares for the next month!
So..... I asked my wife if she could pick the second piece of coral up since I couldn't get out this morning, I was already ready for work and had long sleeves on.

She called me when I was in the car and told me she tried.... Her arms any long enough to reach the bottom of the tank so she got kitchen tongs and tried. She said she had it half way up when nemo attacked! Or at least that is how she described it.....

She ended up doing the frag and it floated into Doty backs cave and she said she can't see it any more :-(

So I might be down to one piece now.
GaJeep94YJ;1029627 wrote: And the turbo snail knocked over the second coral.... It was the first thing I checked when u came down stairs :)

Gloves? Thought never even crossed my mind..... Don't worry Brett sufficiently freaked me out last night with enough horror stories to give be nightmares for the next month!

I was just saying to be careful especially when using razor blades in your tank. :)
Fyi, for everyone else not knowing the back story, I was removing a baffle in my sump. This was a home built sump that I bought used. I won't name names, but the original owner should get some type of award for the most secured piece of glass ever put into a tank. The glass was such a tight fit that I couldn't even fit a razor blade between the baffle and the side!