My first coral

Aim a powerhead into the cave or stick some tubing in there and suck on the other end. You might be able to save the coral that way.
So my wife called, apparently the Doty back took an issue with the coral being in his cave. So he removed it! The frag is now sitting in the sand bed :)
GaJeep94YJ;1029683 wrote: So my wife called, apparently the Doty back took an issue with the coral being in his cave. So he removed it! The frag is now sitting in the sand bed :)

What a good DottyBack! Did he get a treat? Lol
GaJeep94YJ;1029490 wrote: Guy at the fish store said it was one of the easiest to keep alive!

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After glueing my fingers together a few times I was finally able to get it to stick to the rock.
So the red part of this coral has broken off and feel to the sand floor. What is the red part?
It should do fine where ever it is. Whatver it is I'm sure it filter feeds
What store did you get it? Looks like a piece of coral that fell into your polyps. Ya or a sponge that spawned in between them. Definitely not part of the polyps though so I would just leave it be where ever it fell.