My nori experiment


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Today I placed a half sheet of nori in my tank to feed my newly purchased turbo snail and sea hair. Long story short, neither would touch it even when it was placed directly in front of them. After several hours I noticed small flakes of the stuff floating all over the newly cleaned tank. Does the bennifits of nori out weigh the pollution it causes?

On a side note, I did notice that all of my crabs instantly attacked the stuff verse eating from the rocks and sand.
If the sea hare doesn't eat it will eventually die. I had several sea hare's in my frag system over the years and after all the Algae was gone I would always place a piece of Nori on the bottom of the tank and then place a rock on top of it so it would make it easier for the sea hare to find the Nori. Again if your system is depleted of all algae and this doesn't work, you may want to try loaning or passing the Sea Hare on to other friends or members who have algae issues. If your algae issues continue, you can always get it back from them if needed.