My radiant curse...

Seedless Reefer;150729 wrote: OMG ok ok.

While this is certainly a bad situation it's not as bad as I thought.

You glued your wrasse together but when Linda was telling me the story I thought she said you glued your *** together so you see it could have been far worse.

I said the wrasse was glued shut ... no wrasses were glued together. Geez.

Jin, I really hope this guy survives somehow.

Linda Lee;150798 wrote: I said the wrasse was glued shut ... no wrasses were glued together. Geez.

Jin, I really hope this guy survives somehow.


Do you mean Loren?:eek:
:thumbs: to the success of the operation.

We use to super glue my roommate's dip can to his desk. It use to drive him freaking nuts.
Thanks yall I do appreciate the support!

It seems from reading some above comments that I may have overreacted :). At least he seems no worse for wear...

I just hope we can all learn from my mistake and never carelessly let our wrasses near the crazyglue... :eek:
